No, Christianity. The Abrahamic religions in general have a lot of issues, though. Raising kids to hate other people is just bad.
It's sad to me, because I don't think everything in those religions is bad. There's a lot of wisdom in Jesus's words. I like Jesus a lot: love, forgiveness, and lack of judgment are great ideals.
It's sad how people use religion to hate and destroy people. I really appreciate the Sikhs, for how rational and compassionate they are.
I appreciate how Oda writes religion, too. Having faith in people you trust and love is beautiful, but blind faith is toxic and corruptive. Spirituality isn't something you should sell. Trying to charge people for salvation is gross. People should be like Luffy, and help people out of the kindness of their own hearts.
Feel free to laugh at me for it, but I'm actually trying to live more like Luffy. The people I respect most are the people who try to make others smile and laugh.