What the best thing in the chap ?

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- His lack of major bandages support the first notion

- Greenbull being angry that they tried to fight after he told them to stand down supports the second

As of now the narrative potrays a moderately healed King attacking GB....and failing miserably.
Him having bandages in the first place proves said notion

Greenbull being angry that QUEEN (only queen was shown attacking him) was trying to fight supports my point
15vs1? Those are rookie numbers. How many of Kaido’s prized underlings did Green Bill just neg off panel?

More than Kaido ever could, that’s for damn sure. Kaido can’t even solo King and Queen alone.
Lmao Green Bull attacking already defeated and seastone chained King and Queen is already the best feat for AdmiraLs. That's how weak they are.
Kaido oneshots YC level and above people left and right.
Mr. Go
Sulongs Inu and Neko
Asura Doji

All while lifting an Island bigger than Larineford
All Ryokugyu did was show that Zolo is pathetically weak. Wonko are still >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AdmiraLs
Yonkos just took the biggest L in the manga.

GB vs weaken King. Result: King is easily beaten.

Kaido vs weaken Zoro. Result: Kaido is bested and scarred by Zoro.

Yonko wank is over. They are not stronger than Admirals.
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