What the best thing in the chap ?

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Admirals = Yonkos
Vice Admirals = YCs and Veterans
and just like the Yonkos some are weaker than others BM is weaker than Yonko, so is Kizaru is weaker than Akainu
The WG has not many strong VAs , who are as strong as the YC , so they created the Schichibukai system.
now SGG is basically something with the strength of a YC.
Yeah that's how I see it but between the two final wars I think The SHs will face off the BB Pirates maybe in Laugh Tale if Laugh Tale doesn't happen before the first final war
Blackbeard will do big damage to the Marines to get a new bounty and Next arc Luffy will fight Blackbeard at Laugh Tale with new power ups
Let’s not get out of hand, his portrayal is still no better than Fujitora or Kizaru, there’s no reason to place him above them in strength. Neg diffing an entire Yonko crew is something that any standard Admiral can do.

Also, don’t get baited by Seraphailure lol, he has spent the past 48 hours crying because he knows Shanks will never match a feat that Green Bull performed off panel. And also he is deranged lol. Reddit is in an uproar atm because every Yonko fan knows what’s up and have been hardcore crying for days lol. Don’t get baited by these clowns.
I’m not gonna lie they baited me super hard.

What got me is that I saw people in obscure YouTube comments saying “they had sea stone cuffs on” (like word for word the way they’re saying it here) and then I finally understood why only 6% of poll respondents were able to get the correct answer on admirals vs Yonko.

It’s because they’re parroting the idiots here.
The yonko still on top tho
The had/have
  1. The world's strongest man newgate
  2. The world's strongest creature kaido
  3. Future strongest with teach
  4. Another future strongest with luffy
  5. Worlds strongest woman with linlin
  6. Roger 2.0 roger being the strongest in his prime with shanks (tho admittedly nerfed)
  7. The man even stronger than the strongest God buggy:owo:
The admirals still strong as hell and dope as fuck
Props to GB but his feats does not diminish the OG yonkos
We haven’t even gotten out of Wano and people already disrespecting Kaido too
Neg diffing King and Queen is child’s play for their dad :queenhear:
I dont get this "Oh they werent at 100%" shit, it was still 2 commanders+ an army and they couldnt even touch green bull, even if they were at full healthy its clear(to me at least) that they cant defeat an admiral 1v1, none of WB's commanders could and they used to fight agaisnt fucking Roger

Regardless of the Yonko vs Admiral debate its clear that commanders are below them both
You know what i find hilarious. The presence of fodders during Marineford is used to severely downplay Akainu's feat of fighting against all of the WBP commanders but suddenly nobody is talking about the dozen of fodders that King and Queen had as aid lmao.
Might have to be because the marines outnumbered the pirates 5 to 1 presumably
Let’s not get out of hand, his portrayal is still no better than Fujitora or Kizaru, there’s no reason to place him above them in strength. Neg diffing an entire Yonko crew is something that any standard Admiral can do.

Also, don’t get baited by Seraphailure lol, he has spent the past 48 hours crying because he knows Shanks will never match a feat that Green Bull performed off panel. And also he is deranged lol. Reddit is in an uproar atm because every Yonko fan knows what’s up and have been hardcore crying for days lol. Don’t get baited by these clowns.
I finished Linyagi. Are you next Leekun?

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
What got me is that I saw people in obscure YouTube comments saying “they had sea stone cuffs on” (like word for word the way they’re saying it here)
This is that claim in meme representation:

They’re making shit up because they have nothing lol.

We victory lapping Kinyagi lol. Stay happy, this is our victory, now is the time to rub it in fools like Sera’s faces and drink their tears lol. Green Bull is about to wreck 3 Yonko simultaneously. Or maybe he’ll be defeated by them which objectively proves that it takes no less than 3 Yonko to defeat just one Admiral.

Eyes on the prize baby
But if the message is ultimately the same, it's unnecessary. Like why stress on a point that has no bearing upon what Oda is attempting to do here. Whether they were at a 100 or at 60 they were going to be off screened and GB would look just as fresh; like if a level 100 destroyed 2 level 10s you wouldn't say "oh but they weren't at 100 percent hp". The problem is with people who underestimated the Admirals having to deal with the reality of how powerful they are in the most jarring way, like Oda dispelled all the bullshit surrounding them in 2 panels and a single line of dialogue. The people trying to water down this accomplishment are the same people who thought a Yonko trounces an Admiral or even multiple, while the neutral crowd accepted this feat and moved on.
It isn't unnecessary when it comes to what the actual gap is.
It is similar to how pointing out that Marco wasn't at full power when facing King is a necessary point even though the conclusion would've been the same. Trying to push that under the rug is a means of unnecessary downplay
Let’s not get out of hand, his portrayal is still no better than Fujitora or Kizaru, there’s no reason to place him above them in strength. Neg diffing an entire Yonko crew is something that any standard Admiral can do.
It’s more to do with personality rather than portrayal or feats.

Akainu’s ruthlessness and unstoppable mentality are partially responsible for his superiority over the other admirals.

Ryokugyu seems to be equally if not more headstrong so I think it means he’s generally stronger than Fuji or Kizaru for example.
He will probably show up near the end yeah but I don't see the SHs dealing with both admirals and BB Pirates in the same arc. That sounds like so much.:josad:
the Marines/Admirals will be mostly at The New Marineford 2.0

Elbaf Shanks(if he not the final villain)
Maybe the Marineford 2.0(BlackBeard kill some marines,causes trouble)
Laught Tale Battle(Straw Hats vs Blackbeard Pirates)
Final War

Impossible Luffy will fight Akainu and Imu in the same arc
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