What the best thing in the chap ?

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Lazy is the way
She wouldn't be.
They can't KO her forget it.

She 2 shotted a Queen, Zoro didn't 2 shot King
She didn’t 2 shot Queen, Queen was far from down. Didn’t use hybrid, virus, invisibility, lasers etc.

Im not saying Queen can beat her but O Lin vs all Queen is not the same story.

Law can hurt her and dance around her. Kid will assign her and clown her again and again and again. Zoro will hurt her with AdCoc cut and range slashes.

Sickbeard will quake her to death. And he can use haki (against Akainu).

Skill matters.

O Lin is a wild case, she is no top tier. But has some top tier stats.

O Lin is not Sickbeard level at all or Law/Kid level
She didn’t 2 shot Queen, Queen was far from down. Didn’t use hybrid, virus, invisibility, lasers etc.

Im not saying Queen can beat her but O Lin vs all Queen is not the same story.

Law can hurt her and dance around her. Kid will assign her and clown her again and again and again.

Sickbeard will quake her to death. And he can use haki (against Akainu).

Skill matters.

O Lin is a wild case, she is no top tier. But has some top tier stats.

O Lin is not Sickbeard level at all or Law/Kid level
O Lin was such a bullshit plot device…
Big Mom's character was wasted potential.
She could’ve been a Viking themed pirate queen -> connection to Elbaf.
Young Big Mom design + Viking theme = peak
But female characters always turn into a joke in OP
He fainted due to a damages that would kill anyone in the raid with the exception of Luffy. Sanji had no breaks, no Elixir or food during the raid

He complained about the Awakening process dragging him down during the battle

His eyebrows switched sides after he woke up, but before he fainted his eyebrows were exactly like his siblings

So its pretty clear this is all about the his genes
So your saying he fainted after fighting queen? Zoro took more than anybody
Sanji fainted because his enerji run out cuz of super speed. Exesceleton sanji took all attack then he said did you think i allow to dominate this fight as if nothing happened.
You can underestimate exesceleton thing. But sanjis skin (coa+exsceleton) can keep up to 10000 Kelvin based color temperature that means exesceleton and regeneration thing works differently for sanji compared to his sblings. How can you hurt this skin vinsmoke non haki attack :) All i am trying to say that sanji just can be hurted by very massive attack anymore. Mostly coc based.
What are you talking about. Queen slammed him and had him leaking out his nose.


Lazy is the way
O Lin was such a bullshit plot device…
Big Mom's character was wasted potential.
She could’ve been a Viking themed pirate queen -> connection to Elbaf.
Young Big Mom design + Viking theme = peak
But female character always turn into a joke in OP
I like the candy/food theme and the diversity of her crew. It was very good.

But BM was the best when she was all business and no none sense. She became bad when it was revealed she wanted to kill the Vinsmoke.
Before that I liked her. Making deals with islands, with other power forces, making political weddings, rulling numerous islands / the biggest empire etc.

Business Mom was great
Against Sanji he was levitating in the air as they exchanged few kicks

When Zoro sends him flying he regains his balance by using his wings, the sfx flap is also present here. King definitely can use them to fly they aren't there just as decoration. He reverts to his Pteranodon form mostly to use his attacking moves
Him being able to move/flap his wings doesn't mean he is flying. Like literally, in your panel King is being pushed back and turns into base while landing on the rock. There is no flying. Same with the other panel, where King in Zoan is levitating above the balcony he later lands on in base.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Because Doffy spent years mastering his devil fruit as his main power meanwhile Big Mom was just a born monster and Kaido focused on his haki…

Big Mom and Kaido didn’t show awakening because they don’t have it.
Doflamingo turned buildings into strings, and then got promptly smacked into the dirt a few minutes later.

Kaido possesses:
-Massive AOE attacks in Dragon form
-A variety of different forms (similar to Chopper using the Rumble Balls) when in Hyrbid form, including his drunken mode
-Incredible durability (the biggest indication of Zoan awakening based on the beasts from Impel Down)
-The ability to turn himself into a giant dragon made of flames/magma so hot it melted Onigashima's horns, when the entire island has been taking a beating the entire time without being destroyed. Onigashima survived so many attack, and Kaido's ultimate move melted part of it straight off, and burned Luffy to the point of severe pain
-If I'm supposed to believe Doflamingo making some Silk Stabby Things is Awakening, then Kaido turning himself into a giant death Dragon capable of melting incredibly hard material is Awakening


Yonkou are the strongest Pirates the seas possess. It makes no sense to have the strongest pirates not possess the strongest abilities. Why in the hell would Doflamingo, Kaido's underling, have Awakening, when Kaido doesn't? That's like Nero having stronger Rokushiki than Lucci, get out of here.

You think Zoro has Adv CoC, and Mihawk doesn't? Top tier are top tier. Yonkou, Admirals, Dragon, Mihawk, are top tier for a reason. They're the best of the best.
She didn’t 2 shot Queen, Queen was far from down. Didn’t use hybrid, virus, invisibility, lasers etc.

Im not saying Queen can beat her but O Lin vs all Queen is not the same story.

Law can hurt her and dance around her. Kid will assign her and clown her again and again and again. Zoro will hurt her with AdCoc cut and range slashes.

Sickbeard will quake her to death. And he can use haki (against Akainu).

Skill matters.

O Lin is a wild case, she is no top tier. But has some top tier stats.

O Lin is not Sickbeard level at all or Law/Kid level
BM dura and endurance remains the same
We have seen kid and law can't KO her

Olin is low top tier
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @AdmiralKinyagi @ShishioIsBack Notice how using Devil Fruit powers is only cheating to Erkan when an Admiral does it.


Ladmiral wankers downplaying other Ladmirals by hyping Greenbitch (I say bitch because he sucks body fluids of other people :suresure:) they don't even realize :gokulaugh:
Also Erkan.

Pirate mihawk is not a Great Pirate, and never fought strongest pirates WB or Kaido. He fights Vista and Crocodile, stopped by Jozu.
''Because of invincibility cheat'' :milaugh: Yes, Zoro has special sword cheat, Zoro cheated by using swords. This how your ridiculous logic works.

Attack power is incredibly important. Then the defense, Pre-TS Luffy can't touch Crocodile without water.


Lazy is the way
BM dura and endurance remains the same
We have seen kid and law can't KO her

Olin is low top tier
They can. O Lin can’t fight back, Law will punture wille her to death, tricked her, break her arm, leg etc etc.

If no Df she can’t heal broken parts.

And Law can tank hakified punchs. Normal punchs thrown by a 8 years old will be okay to dodge or tank some of them.

O Lin is not a top tier. She can’t beat any low top tiers.
O Lin was such a bullshit plot device…
Big Mom's character was wasted potential.
She could’ve been a Viking themed pirate queen -> connection to Elbaf.
Young Big Mom design + Viking theme = peak
But female characters always turn into a joke in OP
You need to realize that Oda just loves making plot devices with her. Same with Luffy. It’s very clear in his writing that he views her as a wildcard that can do almost anything. That’s why he’s not afraid of making gag scenes with her in one scene and then making her a monster the next. The O-lin stuff was bullshit 100% but the fact that she still made it to Wano, Udon is proof that you can’t just knock her into sea and call it a day because normal logic just does not apply to her.

BM suffered from being secondary antagonist in an arc that was already stuffed full of too many characters. That’s why she didn’t get the same battle treatment as Kaido and why Oda needed to have BFRO+ nukes take her out instead of outright KO, in his mind it would take too long if it was the traditional beat-em-up style. Look how Kaido suffered narratively with that shitty background, Oda flopped it because he was already pressed for time.
Doflamingo turned buildings into strings, and then got promptly smacked into the dirt a few minutes later.

Kaido possesses:
-Massive AOE attacks in Dragon form
-A variety of different forms (similar to Chopper using the Rumble Balls) when in Hyrbid form, including his drunken mode
-Incredible durability (the biggest indication of Zoan awakening based on the beasts from Impel Down)
-The ability to turn himself into a giant dragon made of flames/magma so hot it melted Onigashima's horns, when the entire island has been taking a beating the entire time without being destroyed. Onigashima survived so many attack, and Kaido's ultimate move melted part of it straight off, and burned Luffy to the point of severe pain
-If I'm supposed to believe Doflamingo making some Silk Stabby Things is Awakening, then Kaido turning himself into a giant death Dragon capable of melting incredibly hard material is Awakening


Yonkou are the strongest Pirates the seas possess. It makes no sense to have the strongest pirates not possess the strongest abilities. Why in the hell would Doflamingo, Kaido's underling, have Awakening, when Kaido doesn't? That's like Nero having stronger Rokushiki than Lucci, get out of here.

You think Zoro has Adv CoC, and Mihawk doesn't? Top tier are top tier. Yonkou, Admirals, Dragon, Mihawk, are top tier for a reason. They're the best of the best.
Because people grow stronger in different ways.

Big Mom and Kaido didn’t show awakening because they don’t have it. In its stead they have powerful bodies and haki.

Most Admirals won’t have ACoC coating just like Kaido and Big Mom didn’t have DF Awakening.
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