Passive - You scan guilty to invests.
Diary writing - You keep records of everything. You can't be janitored. You may decide to leave reads and results in your flip.
Nerd- You love Science. You love Chemistry. You have jotted down everything Walter has to taught you.
You will visit player at night and find out their flavour name. 1 shot.
Apprentice Cook- You will earn $5000 each night cooking Meth.
Coffee brewing vacuum reflex/Distillation- Engage a player at night with a great coffee. The target will be role blocked.
To W. W. - Dedicate a poem to WW or chemistry in the thread- You'd be immune to Heisenberg actions for a cycle.
Big fan of Music- write a Western Music of your own- you will gain 1x copy ability shot from Dead players.
You win when all threats to Alberque Town have been eliminated.