General & Others Not including Mr.1 what is Zoros Best Fight?

His Best Fight not including Mr.1?

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Vs Ryuma
Vs Hachi
We get some actual sword fighting vs Ryuma. And vs Hachi we see great characterization of Zoro post Mihawk "clash"

The rest of those fights are just Zoro getting cut and thrown into buildings for 90% of the fight - flashback - pose - cut away - cut back - Zoro's standing behind his enemy, the final slash has been delivered - cue one-liner and outro music
Zoro, like anyone other than Luffy, suffers from the same problem that Oda puts little effort into developing the fight. The Fight with King is cool but lacks important things, like seeing why King saw the need to turn off his flames and comparing his resistance with flames on and off against attacks with Acoc.

I choose Kaku
Loved Zoro vs Ryuma because they were evenly matched with full focus on sword fighting
It had a satisfying end & Zombie Ryuma was really cool tbh in both design & personality
The respect between them & having spectators (Brook & Franky) made it shine even more
Imo Zoro vs Mihawk is gonna be just like this fight

So yeah, Zoro vs Mr. 1 & vs Ryuma are my favorite Zoro Fights
(If we count Fights where he didn't win, then his Fight against Mihawk completes my Top 3)

PS: I believe Zoro vs Braham is worth mentioning too, that fight had great Art, felt Unique (Due to Braham using Guns) & it was really cool overall
(I especially loved the way they met & interacted at first)
Zoro vs King for sure

If Kaku had a more fitting DF, like Jabra's, the fight would've been better choreography wise, but other than that the fight is pretty good