Character Discussion Big Meme Respect Thread

Big Mom is one of the greatest characters we've seen so far, here I'll mention some feats for the great yonko Big Mom
Admiral wankers will not like this thread

Sigma grindset rule #1: Eat your mom

Kill your children if they lie to you

Managed to equally clash with YC1

Dealt massive damage to gigachad King Baum

Managed to equally clash with a superior fishman and tank his shockwave attack

Managed to dodge Brook's attack (he was aiming for her panties)

Clashed equally with chopper's guard point

Tanked Nami's thunder spam

Managed to chase down and survive against the strawhats for 12 consecutive hours

Survived against mere YC1 attacking her measle ship

Knocked out but did not die from a powerful YC2 attack

Can be used offroad when there's heavy traffic

Can also be used by bowling enjoyers

Survived the third time she got thrown off the map

Big Mom's ultimate homie attack is so strong it took tobi roppo 2 minutes to recover

Managed to deal powerful blows to Kidd while he was having seizures

Managed to cling to life after very high damaging rubble and metal beams attacks

Best feat so far: almost knocked out Law after dealing multiple punches to his head

Admiral wankers are in shambles, your days are over. Yonko are just too powerful.

I would even argue that Big Mom could take on The Specter and Thanos with the Heart of the Universe power-up. Let me know anyone who is foolish enough to think otherwise.
Why the hell did the admiral wankers think their idols could beat Big Mom in the first place again? Bunch of fools luls.
The most flege out Yonkos/villain and with the most panel
And could still show up post Wano
Oda loves her and doesn't care she made a joke out of her that baffled power scalers
- Bigger mom was defeated without Kid and Law using haki

- Bigger mom's most powerful fused homie was useless and Law cut her down and incapacitated her and she couldn't help Bigger mom

- Bigger Mom's ACoC was defeated by Kid and Law without them using haki

- Bigger mom was afraid of being hit again by Kid's scrap metal bull

- Injured and exhausted Law tanked many CoA punches from Bigger mom

But some Bigger mom morbid fat suckers think that ugly mountain of fat has a chance against Akainu lmao

The "yonko level" is worth garbage and Buggy represents all those yankers