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Pot Goblin

Look at these fooken dawgs getting piss drunk before the party even officially began properly.

*drinks glass of whiskey*

But it's fooken ironic that both of you posted the same motion at the same time haha.
I'm on page 2 and I'm already seeing a lot of whiskey posting
I have the house to myself for this week
Fellas, this may be the game where Drunk Goblin finally appears


1. @Sallucion - scum
2. @SoulKiller - scum
4. @Ekkologix - town
5. @Flowa - town
7. @Yo Tan Wa - town
8. @hime - town
9. @ConquistadoR - town
13. @Zolo - town
14. @Rottkins - town
15. @BakiDou - town
17. @Marimo_420 - town
21. @Natalija - town
22. @RayanOO - town
26. @Fujishiro - town
27. @Light D Lamperouge - scum
28. @Lindltaylor - scum
Alright, lets go team!


Pot Goblin

Gotta say I am glad that I'm in this game now, I saw the Star Wars game and liked those fun little events like the senate meeting
I hope we get some here as well
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