I drink water only at midnight. taste of water changes when you drink it during your sleep. sorta of sweet side.

Rest of the day , EIther i stay dehydrated or just consume fruits.
Much better to start intermittent fasting and track your water and food intake using an app. I do the same and have to cook only once per day, 2nd meal is usually salad/fruits etc.


Over time the humongous amounts of industrial acid reacts with your tooth enamel, turning your teeth translucent. The ridiculous amounts of sugar then attack your weakened enamel and cause caries.
And no, just brushing your teeth won't help against it.
I had a root canal surgery when I was young ANd realized you live once. just whatever you feel like. teeth are either gonna fall or decay at some point of time.

my molar came too late, they were painful thou.


That's because of the sugar that's in ur saliva.
Shows that you consume too much sugar/carbs
To be honest I avoid sugars. just natural fruits and I prefer spicy and salty food.
and yea indian food is sorta of rich in carbs. too rich i would say.
This bitc... girl doesn't know how to cook a full nutrient food.
but I'm happy atleast she feeds me. and it's quite good.
I had a root canal surgery when I was young ANd realized you live once. just whatever you feel like. teeth are either gonna fall or decay at some point of time.
Oh god:lawsigh:

And no,people who eat normal diet don't get tooth decay.
There's books about that.
You can even heal caries to some degree, using the right food.
I didn't buy any of those books and only used the free information available, and it worked for me.


❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀
To be honest I avoid sugars. just natural fruits and I prefer spicy and salty food.
and yea indian food is sorta of rich in carbs. too rich i would say.
This bitc... girl doesn't know how to cook a full nutrient food.
but I'm happy atleast she feeds me. and it's quite good.
Try some sugarless gum for the carbs, it’ll keep your mouth moist until you can get a chance to brush your teeth


Oh god:lawsigh:

And no,people who eat normal diet don't get tooth decay.
There's books about that.
You can even heal caries to some degree, using the right food.
I didn't buy any of those books and only used the free information available, and it worked for me.
Come on. eating healthy is a scam. It just makes feel good and no blackouts with not being tired whole day. that's it.