Rewrite? I thought Oda's writing of Kaido is peak fiction? 
Kidding aside:
1. Keep his title and his design;
2. Make his W against Oden a clean one and don't make him an Oden-simp;
3. Make him a pure Straw Nihilist, which explains why he craves to destroy himself and the world. Naturally, his crew should also have this belief;
4. Make him born as a failed WG experiment who had to grow up knowing only a meaningless existence laced with torture and survival.
He then met Rocks after Rocks attacked the WG facility he was in and became fascinated by (and maybe even worshipped) his chaotic way of life and found meaning in Rock's ambition to be the King of the World.
However, as we all knew, Rocks failed and this deeply traumatized Kaido. He became so utterly cynical that he came to see the existence of the world as something to be destroyed since it doesn't really have a greater meaning to it. This is why he ultimately wants the One Piece: he does not know what it is, but he wants to find to put an end to everyone and everything.
5. Keep him a dragon, but change his elemental powers into Dark Matter Manipulation, which can only be resisted physically by people with ACoA or ACoC. This would explain why anybody who is not a ACoA or a ACoC user must not fight him: they risk getting disintegrated in seconds.
Also, call his DF "the Darkest Devil Fruit" just like Teach's is "the Devil Fruit closest to the Devil himself."

Kidding aside:
1. Keep his title and his design;
2. Make his W against Oden a clean one and don't make him an Oden-simp;
3. Make him a pure Straw Nihilist, which explains why he craves to destroy himself and the world. Naturally, his crew should also have this belief;
4. Make him born as a failed WG experiment who had to grow up knowing only a meaningless existence laced with torture and survival.
He then met Rocks after Rocks attacked the WG facility he was in and became fascinated by (and maybe even worshipped) his chaotic way of life and found meaning in Rock's ambition to be the King of the World.
However, as we all knew, Rocks failed and this deeply traumatized Kaido. He became so utterly cynical that he came to see the existence of the world as something to be destroyed since it doesn't really have a greater meaning to it. This is why he ultimately wants the One Piece: he does not know what it is, but he wants to find to put an end to everyone and everything.
5. Keep him a dragon, but change his elemental powers into Dark Matter Manipulation, which can only be resisted physically by people with ACoA or ACoC. This would explain why anybody who is not a ACoA or a ACoC user must not fight him: they risk getting disintegrated in seconds.
Also, call his DF "the Darkest Devil Fruit" just like Teach's is "the Devil Fruit closest to the Devil himself."
Things to first pop into mind:
- Actually destroyed Oden in a fair 1v1.
- CP0 intervening never happened, Kaido outright destroys Luffy and makes everything seem hopeless before G5. Make Luffy unable to do the damage he did to Kaido with CoC up until G5.
- Zoan awakening.
- Never imprisoned Luffy at Udon, and instead tried to turn him into red mist during their fight at Kuri only for Luffy to get saved by Law or someone else to escape.
- Include more Super Rookies/characters in the rooftop to compensate for Kaido getting disgustingly nerfed.
- Actually let Kaido kill multiple scabbards or side characters.
- No leg day skipped, long sturdy legs like Whitebeard's.
- Actually destroyed Oden in a fair 1v1.
- CP0 intervening never happened, Kaido outright destroys Luffy and makes everything seem hopeless before G5. Make Luffy unable to do the damage he did to Kaido with CoC up until G5.
- Zoan awakening.
- Never imprisoned Luffy at Udon, and instead tried to turn him into red mist during their fight at Kuri only for Luffy to get saved by Law or someone else to escape.
- Include more Super Rookies/characters in the rooftop to compensate for Kaido getting disgustingly nerfed.
- Actually let Kaido kill multiple scabbards or side characters.
- No leg day skipped, long sturdy legs like Whitebeard's.