thank you...But I'm not interested in watching anime anymore
So you want live action:
Drama - The Sopranos, Better Call Saul
Fantasy - Game of Thrones (you can finish with season 6 tbh)
Comedy - Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Horror - Midnight Mass
Superhero - Peacemaker, The Boys, Arrow (only the first 3 seasons)

Edit:Just saw you already answered me, sorry
I saw 2 or 3 episodes
Because my friend is a fan of Friends and Breaking Bad, I never see them
Game of Thrones (you can finish with season 6 tbh)
I haven't seen the last 2 episodes, I think it's been 3 years
Comedy - Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Horror - Midnight Mass
I have not seen these series..They look cool
I saw 1 or 2 seasons
thank you


starplus i believe?

same here there were only soap operas with the remote in mom's hand

remember Gopi Bahu.. the best tech advisor the world has prolly ever seen?
That was traumatising. As I kid I didn't find anything Wrong with it.
later on that scene haunted me in my nights.
Apple cloth is scam. Gopi bahu is the way too go.

From evening seven to 10:30.

I can't believe I sat there for whole 3 hours.