Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

Best Princess?

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How much time?
BM sends enraged army or cracker just shortly after a huge incident
It literally says Cracker and enraged army was sent when Snack fell, there wasnt much time just like when cracker fell, there wasnt mich time for Urouge to recover that's why even when we see him with Kaido, he is still bandaged.
Enraged army beat weakened luffy and Nami, cracker beat Weakened Urouge.

There will be no cake without Chiffon belp
No plan without firetanks

Untilamtely Zoro is yet to accomplish something huge in NW, While Kidd will have his name famous after Wano.
WSS? It is nothing compared to being great Pirate and way less than PK
So Urouge and his whole crew did less or even than Luffy and Nami and this is not a proof of failure on Urouge part? If Luffy and the whole crew were facing Snack and then Cracker do you think they would lose to Cracker?

The cake plan was Pudding’s one and Sanji was doing most the work. The other people were (chiffon and Pudding includes) were just following his lead. He even save Chiffon from Oven.

What do you want to argue here? That Kidd will accomplish his dream?
Because you know he will not. Therefore as i said Kidd will fail where Luffy and Zoro will succeed.
So basically you dont actually have an argument outside of "I dont like it cuz its not what I wanted"

The only difference between BB then and when he became a yonko was having the quake fruit. He would still have been fodderized
WCI is twice as long as Marineford and the only time Big Mom even bled was when she scratched her knee after Caramel's picture was broken. That speaks volumes to her portrayal.
Being captured speaks for itself, either he was too weak to evade capture or outsmarted. Either way doesnt paint the best picture for him.

Big Mom has the mind of a child. She's a grown adult with the dream to make everyone big so they can physically see eye to eye on a table. That's equality to her. She never got over the trauma that she received when she was 5 so she didnt "turn" into a good person. That's who she is deep down inside.
I suspect that her character arc cannot end without her Learning about what really happened to MC and to Streusen and maybe to return to what her personnality would have been without them. O-Lin may have been a teaser.
What's going on here, the biggest Big mom defenders are turning on her

What have you done Oda
Hey, there's always the time and place for a proper heel turn ;-)

In all fairness, it's more like accepting that Oda has butchered her character and storyline. As a character I still believe she could've been a great villain.
Like I said earlier: Unfortunately Oda is no Togashi or Araki in terms of character development (especially villains) though.
Plot device to help free Luffy from the prison, if it wasn't for that whole O-Lin stuff I would have maybe enjoyed Act 2 a bit more.
Kaido's men could have found her on the beach and brought her to Onigashima, then Kaido could have summoned Queen to announce the BM-BP alliance, Luffy could have remained in prison training and ultimately Raizo could have found the keys to free him. Done. Much better.
while we are at it just tell, whom he should kill....Oda should know which one is "relevant" or "irrelevant"....if it is difficult to point out, just put the list of characters that are "relevant" in your eyes...
Relevant characters are guys that actually mean something to the SHs. Not side characters that were introduced 30 chapters before their death, got very little screen time and where half the crew had already forgotten about their death two or three chapters later.
Relevant characters are guys that actually mean something to the SHs. Not side characters that were introduced 30 chapters before their death, got very little screen time and where half the crew had already forgotten about their death two or three chapters later.
Nah....just please make it simple.....directly put names....
Also, never thought you count time based on "no of chapters" or you need one chapter or more for mourning for pedro???........did someone hack your account??
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