Future Events Will Shanks and Teach also die to Magma like the other 3 Emperors?

Will Shanks and Teach also die to magma like the other Lonkos?

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To be fair, Magma has an invincible track record against the Emperors. What if Luffy gives Teach the same treatment in Raftel? Punching him to the ground so hard he goes down to the earth's core filled with magma? :jordanmf:

Not picking a fight here, mate, but I'm just saying. :handsup:
Because no other emperor had the ability to devour all matter within One Piece world lol.

There's absolutely nothing that black hole can't devour. Magma can kill anyone but the user of the ability that's specifically designed to counter it lol.
ZKK theory guys : ZKK , it will happen because reason.

‘Yonko fans : No it will not happen duh their power scaling agenda, get pstd when zoro who is yc1 level blocking big mom and hybrid kaido and give kaido a new scar.

ZKK guys : how about dying to magma :kata:.

Yonko fans can’t explain why kaido and big mom has not return for week. Stuck in delusion and still denial.

‘Yonko fans got wish to make ZKK don’t happen but they get Akainu wank.

Oda heard our talk and @Tejas say Kuzan is yc4 guy
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Because no other emperor had the ability to devour all matter within One Piece world lol.

There's absolutely nothing that black hole can't devour. Magma can kill anyone but the user of the ability that's specifically designed to counter it lol.
I think it is fair to assume, in this scenario, the punch Luffy uses to defeat Teach will knock him out cold and he will not have the time to activate Kurouzu to protect himself before the magma got to cover him completely.
ZKK theory guys : ZKK , it will happen because reason.

‘Yonko fans : No it will not happen duh their power scaling agenda, get pstd when zoro who is yc1 level blocking big mom and hybrid kaido and give kaido a new scar.

ZKK guys : how about dying to magma :kata:.

Yonko fans can’t explain why kaido and big mom has not return for week. Stuck in delusion and still denial.

‘Yonko fans got wish to make ZKK don’t happen but they get Akainu wank.

Oda heard our talk and @Tejas say Kuzan is yc4 guy
Kazan and Akainu both are YC4.


Zoro Worshipper
So, of the 5 pirates who became the 4 emperors pre-Wano, 3 already died to Papazuki's power, proving once and for all that Magma is the Lonkos' kryptonite:

Now we talk about the current 4 emperors.

Buggy is Lolda's pet creation and a clown, just like Lolda himself, so he is surviving even beyond EoS. :milaugh:

Lolda is making Luffy a deity, so his death is also uncertain. :suresure:

We can all agree, though, that neither Teach nor Shanks will make it out of the story alive. :myman:

The question is: do you see them getting done in by Magma like their fellow emperors or not? :gokulaugh:

Lemme summon the experts real quick:

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Admiral Mou Bu

Papazuki is too busy to deal with the less strong :akaman:
Yes fake BB fan, Teitoku and Taisho translate as same in English sometimes, that doesn't mean they are the same, lmao troll.

Here this translation says Commodore instead, because its not the same.

Listen what Lafitte says : TEACH TEITOKU.

Listen what Celestial Dragon Underlings are called while all 3 trying to block Nerfed WB's attack : TAISHO.

See the difference troll? :jackcopium:
Yes fake BB fan, Teitoku and Taisho translate as same in English sometimes, that doesn't mean they are the same, lmao troll.

Here this translation says Commodore instead:

Listen what Lafitte says : TEACH TEITOKU.

Listen what Celestial Dragon Underlings are called while all 3 trying to block Nerfed WB's attack : TAISHO.

See the difference troll? :jackcopium:
Lmao I can see now where your reputation comes from
Teach is the most gigachad character in One Piece, someone as pitiful as you just makes him worse.
I will never wank post ts Blackbeard because I know it's pointless, he's gonna be the strongest character in the verse. You wank him for his powerlevel, I don't care about that.
More concerned with the character itself and how well written it is.

Anime is non canon, one of the translations said admiral so admiral it is

You're not a fan of Teach but a yonkotard who wanks Teach for a guaranteed W
Truth hurts

Lmao I can see now where your reputation comes from
Teach is the most gigachad character in One Piece, someone as pitiful as you just makes him worse.
I will never wank post ts Blackbeard because I know it's pointless, he's gonna be the strongest character in the verse. You wank him for his powerlevel, I don't care about that.
More concerned with the character itself and how well written it is.

Anime is non canon, one of the translations said admiral so admiral it is

You're not a fan of Teach but a yonkotard who wanks Teach for a guaranteed W
Truth hurts

''reputation'' Admitted you are an ALT? :rolaugh: No one buying your act Ladmiral fanboy.

If you are a fan of BB, no way you can be a Celestial Dragon underling Ladmiral fanboy, 2 different things troll.

Anime is non-canon has nothing to do with what I said, I am talking about Japanese PRONONCIATION troll, not about something that didn't exist in the manga. LOL.

Japanese prononciation of BB's title is : TEITOKU.
Japanese prononciation of Ladmiral title is : TAISHO

See the difference troll?

You guys love VIZ translations, so what VIZ translate that as? Commodore, it can be both Commodore, because its DIFFERENT than Celestial Dragon underling title.

You got debunked ALT, now go cry to Lee. :kuzanshut:
Yes fake BB fan, Teitoku and Taisho translate as same in English sometimes, that doesn't mean they are the same, lmao troll.

Here this translation says Commodore instead, because its not the same.

Listen what Lafitte says : TEACH TEITOKU.

Listen what Celestial Dragon Underlings are called while all 3 trying to block Nerfed WB's attack : TAISHO.

See the difference troll? :jackcopium:
LOL. Hilarious how the dude's name/picture is living rent free in your noggin. Imagine being this disgruntled over the fact that someone can like a character from the Yonko side and bash the others but then get called a fake BB fan by you in return.

Your brain must not be able to properly compute and identify why it is actually OKAY to do just that.
LOL. Hilarious how the dude's name/picture is living rent free in your noggin. Imagine being this disgruntled over the fact that someone can like a character from the Yonko side and bash the others but then get called a fake BB fan by you in return.

Your brain must not be able to properly compute and identify why it is actually OKAY to do just that.
Did you see a guy lowballing a Ladmiral, but also a fan of another Ladmiral? :kaidowhat:

Did you see some Lakainu fanboy lowballing Fujitora or Kizaru, then wank another Ladmiral?

Its WEIRD that this is suppose to be special only to some Yonko Blackbeard fan, and they are not ACTING :rolaugh:

Yeah, I am not buying it troll.
Did you see a guy lowballing a Ladmiral, but also a fan of another Ladmiral? :kaidowhat:

Did you see some Lakainu fanboy lowballing Fujitora or Kizaru, then wank another Ladmiral?

Its WEIRD that this is suppose to be special only to some Yonko Blackbeard fan, and they are not ACTING :rolaugh:

Yeah, I am not buying it troll.
Are you a fan of Big Meme


Yonko is a meme considering Buggy took it. Teach doesn't give two shits about being a yonko he's out there creating his own pirate government to take on the world

Bb mid diffs any yonko trash we've seen so far, it's actually undermining Teach putting him in the same category with these scrubs


The only one who can beat me is me
So, of the 5 pirates who became the 4 emperors pre-Wano, 3 already died to Papazuki's power, proving once and for all that Magma is the Lonkos' kryptonite:

Now we talk about the current 4 emperors.

Buggy is Lolda's pet creation and a clown, just like Lolda himself, so he is surviving even beyond EoS. :milaugh:

Lolda is making Luffy a deity, so his death is also uncertain. :suresure:

We can all agree, though, that neither Teach nor Shanks will make it out of the story alive. :myman:

The question is: do you see them getting done in by Magma like their fellow emperors or not? :gokulaugh:

Lemme summon the experts real quick:

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Admiral Mou Bu

Lmaoooo that's actually crazy. Magma is truly the peak in OP. Mopped up 3 Yonkou.