Future Events Will Shanks and Teach also die to Magma like the other 3 Emperors?

Will Shanks and Teach also die to magma like the other Lonkos?

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Blackbeard will die in his sleep, for the first time in his life he will sleep snd die that way

Or he dies by the Ocean, obtained ultimate abilities and everything only to succumb in the end by the weakness of the devil fruits, fitting end
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Yonko is a meme considering Buggy took it. Teach doesn't give two shits about being a yonko he's out there creating his own pirate government to take on the world

Bb mid diffs any yonko trash we've seen so far, it's actually undermining Teach putting him in the same category with these scrubs

Being an UNDERLING OF CELESTIAL B!TCHES >>>>>>> Buggy joining Yonko, there isn't even a comparison for it. :jackcopium:

Garp said no to being a Ladmiral :kuzanope: Its too lame. :kailaugh:

-MC Luffy become a full Yonko, and he is the GOD NIKA.
-Strongest man, strongest creature are all Yonko.

If Buggy become a Yonko with the other Yonko's help, then that will make pretenders like you cry:rolaugh:

Being an UNDERLING OF CELESTIAL B!TCHES >>>>>>> Buggy joining Yonko, there isn't even a comparison for it. :jackcopium:

Garp said no to being a Ladmiral :kuzanope: Its too lame. :kailaugh:

-MC Luffy become a full Yonko, and he is the GOD NIKA.
-Strongest man, strongest creature are all Yonko.

If Buggy become a Yonko with the other Yonko's help, then that will make pretenders like you cry:rolaugh:
Don Kreig > Buggy

Yes fake BB fan, Teitoku and Taisho translate as same in English sometimes, that doesn't mean they are the same, lmao troll.

Here this translation says Commodore instead, because its not the same.

Listen what Lafitte says : TEACH TEITOKU.

Listen what Celestial Dragon Underlings are called while all 3 trying to block Nerfed WB's attack : TAISHO.

See the difference troll? :jackcopium:
You exposed the clown :suresure::suresure: Wanna be BB fan in disguise of an admiral fan
Neckbeard with two fruits and all level 6 impel dawn fled from the magma.

And the goroslave, a random sea king, had his arm for lunch lol

So yes they would die easily from the magma.

The question is... Oda will keep killing the 4 comedians with magma?
There's no doubt that Chadkainu is a gream reaper of Lolko.
But I think Shanks would die in BB's hand and BB would lose to Gear 100 Nika
I will never wank post ts Blackbeard because I know it's pointless, he's gonna be the strongest character in the verse. You wank him for his powerlevel, I don't care about that.
More concerned with the character itself and how well written it is.
You're not a fan of Teach but a yonkotard who wanks Teach for a guaranteed W
Truth hurts
Yep 100%.

And it is painfully obvious that BB, at one time or another, was not @Erkan12 's favorite character in OP. He only started to wank him when his arguments were shattered on a consistent basis by posters who prefer the admirals. Then in an emotional fit, he would swear to wank BB into the high heavens from then on out REGARDLESS if he truly loves how the character is written.

So essentially Erkan is this dude ->
*Frieza saga* "My favorite character is Frieza. Ha ha Vegeta sucks!"
*The Warriors just won the NBA finals* "My favorite team is the Warriors."
*Pokemon blue and red came out* "My favorite Pokemon is Mewtwo."

Sad but true. :kuzanshut::rolaugh:
Yep 100%.

And it is painfully obvious that BB, at one time or another, was not @Erkan12 's favorite character in OP. He only started to wank him when his arguments were shattered on a consistent basis by posters who prefer the admirals. Then in an emotional fit, he would swear to wank BB into the high heavens from then on out REGARDLESS if he truly loves how the character is written.

So essentially Erkan is this dude ->
*Frieza saga* "My favorite character is Frieza. Ha ha Vegeta sucks!"
*The Warriors just won the NBA finals* "My favorite team is the Warriors."
*Pokemon blue and red came out* "My favorite Pokemon is Mewtwo."

Sad but true. :kuzanshut::rolaugh:
Small dick energy

Yep 100%.

And it is painfully obvious that BB, at one time or another, was not @Erkan12 's favorite character in OP. He only started to wank him when his arguments were shattered on a consistent basis by posters who prefer the admirals. Then in an emotional fit, he would swear to wank BB into the high heavens from then on out REGARDLESS if he truly loves how the character is written.

So essentially Erkan is this dude ->
*Frieza saga* "My favorite character is Frieza. Ha ha Vegeta sucks!"
*The Warriors just won the NBA finals* "My favorite team is the Warriors."
*Pokemon blue and red came out* "My favorite Pokemon is Mewtwo."

Sad but true. :kuzanshut::rolaugh:
Imagine not being able to answer my post then write BS imaginary post about me like this.

Your best friends are newly registered Ladmiral fanboy ALTs, and you deleted the pics while quoting my post, that tells you about a lot. :rolaugh:

This troll sas BB wasn't my favorite character in OP, lmao. BB was my favorite character before even he was a Yonko, they were saying he wasn't be able to become a Yonko etc, even before that I was his fan, I am not a Ladmiral fanboy Celestial Dragon underling fan like you who tries to join forces with newly registered Ladmiral fan ALTs, there is a difference here kid. :kuzanshut:
People seem to have forgotten one piece characters are humans. Goldroger, the pirate king, died by getting his head cut off. Ungarded Whitebeard and Garp got heavily hurt by blades. If i were to apply your reasoning then anybody with a sword is stronger than a Yonko ... Genius logic right there:seriously: