If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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"Cause Dragon not gonna lose that fight"...

And you know this because ? Stop with these wild claims dude. You don't know what will happen. Admirals are final opponents and they're not gonna randomly get off-panel defeated. Dragon has a higher chance of getting crushed.
deflecting cause his boy ducked kaido and big mom's competition
to swoop in after the worst gen did the heavy lifting.

Moving just like a marine . tears
it's a disgrace that in a chapter with God King Shanks ... people are talking about mere admirals

if this is a 10/10 ... then Shanks has to have more screen time or do/say something far too shocking

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
It's still ass though for making us wait close to month and still no Bounties.
Shanks fucking shows up in Wano

WorstGen: "But muh power-scalin' numbas"

We'll have plenty of time to attack each other over bounties in the next few weeks. IMO, we'll get new Bounties as the characters show up in Wano. Mihawk and Buggy will get their bounties... when they arrive to join the fray.
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung

Aramaki is handling Yamato and the Scabbards with no effort while Crydo already got PTSD even without Yamato helping out the Scabbards. :denzimote:
Ah well if fighting against critically injured patients all Aramaki can do, well, it's still not comparable to what kind of free hits Kaidou gave everyone to nerf himself and still won anyway without even begin to get entertained.

...Really i don't think any Admiral will reach Kaidou's powerlevel, but still Aramaki is currently better as a character.

...Especially since it's still his introduction, while never in my worst nightmare i'd imagine the WSC himself (who was practically wanked to the heavens by Oda in his introduction chapter) to have PTSD and hostage-related lol
the effect of CoC is VERY clear ...
not all lightings are CoC
even Ussop have one of those effects

Kaido used CoC for the first time in 1009
Look up road to laugh tale vol1
‘Kaido use advanced coc to one shot act 1 luffy. Now tell me this road on laugh is wrong on kaido use advanced coc on act 1 luffy.

comparing to Ussop to kaido is dumb. Because kaido is coc user and Ussop is not.


Heavy Metal
Sooo Evil Shanks is back on the table? S(nitch)hanks going for the One Piece is very interesting and pretty much fits in the idea I developed with my friend @Kefka lately.

If Shanks is now going for the One Piece, leaving Wano behind and, to surprise of his crew, denies to meet Luffy before… there could be some confusing inside of Shanks crew.

But before I go deeper, I think (theory!), Shanks wasn’t evil all along or even played his own crew. I think most of them (specially Beckmann and Yasopp) are unaware of his “evil side”, since he got manipulated by Imu!

Additionally I need to bring in the point of Shanks being somehow related to Kidd. Not known if brothers or something else, but they are somehow connected since a long time. A lot of people already assumed it and it just makes sense.

So it would be kinda safe to assume the rest of the crew knows Eustass too, kinda like since he was a child. I think, when they now recognize something is off, they contact Eustass, which goes straight up on his way.

So he will meet up Shanks on his way to Raftel, go on a fight with him, is able to beat him, maybe with the help of some crewmembers from Shanks. The Snitch get snitched.

The news will go around the world “Eustass Kidd took down another Yonko, Red Hair Shanks!”, so he will be announced as full Yonko. Luffy will declare Eustass Kid as a traitor, he thought they are friends. Is pretty pissed on Kid.

Story resolves further, Luffy will reach Laugh Tale, will have his huge fight with Blackbeard there for the One Piece, the crew fights each other, Luffy can take the will. He find the One Piece, they celebrate. The story onfolds about the old century.

Right when it comes to the actual world government, the flashback stops, since Kid arrives at the destination of Luffy.

Luffys crew is still pretty damaged, but Luffy rages directly at Kid for his behavior. Kid blocks his first attack and yells at Luffy, he wants an alliance with him (kinda like Luffy wanted it in Wano, but Kid refused). Luffy refuses to listen to Kid and attacks him furiously. Kid blocks his attacks mostly, but get hit a lot, he also hit Luffy pretty much. After some time, someone jumps inbetween them and wants to stop them. He yells “STOP!”, but then get his by both and falls to the ground, driven by pain.

They both then stop and look at the Person, it is Buggy. Buggy appeared also on Laugh Tale. And with blue eyes and hurt he stands up and tells them to stop. He says Kid was right, Shanks is a traitor, not Kid. Luffy is surprised and first doesn’t trust them, but then Robin interferes, she says the information about the past pretty much fits what Buggy is telling there. Shanks may be manipulated by Imu. Kid then reveals “his history”, also his connection with Shanks. Buggy then steps in and tells his story with shanks about the time when they needed to wait for Rogers crew and how Shanks suddenly changed in that time and Imu appears.

So Buggy was the only one ever who knew the truth about Shanks!

Buggy then reveals he followed Kidds crew and Luffy, since the WG is going after him. Imu declared him Shishibukai and later Yonko, because he knew the truth about Shanks. He just understood this shortly. And since he is scared now, he was looking for the help of his “only friends”.

Then Robin reveals the whole truth about Imu and the World Government.

Finally, Luffy, Kid and Buggy build an Alliance against Imu and the Government. The final Alliance of the Yonko is build!

Additional ideas to this concept:
Shanks reappearing at final war, will be final opponent of Zoro. Because beating him means being able to beat Mihawk. (interesting @ShishioIsBack ?)

Tl; dr:
-Shanks is manipulated by Imu
-Someone of Shanks crew snitches and tells Kid
-Kid beats Shanks with help of Snitches
-Luffy mad at Kid
-Luffy goes Laugh tale, beats Blackbeard
-Kid arrives Laugh Tale
-Kid wants alliance, small clash of Luffy and Kid, since Luffy is mad
-Buggy appears, tries to stop them, he know about Shanks snitching
-Truth reveald about Imu, Shanks and WG
-New Alliance against Imu is build: Alliance of the Yonko!

p.s.: Gonna make a theory thread out of it on friday!

may interested mentions:
@rerere @Lukegranders @mly90 @Ghostly Reflections @Monkey D Theories ...
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