If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Grew stronger?? Lmfaoo
Did scabbard gain anything interms of upping power lvl??
They are at peak when fighting Kaido
Oda give him respectfully entire chapter showing everything they could to beat Kaido after 20 years of building and planning

Kinemon almost died, both his sword gets shattered
Kiku lose arm
Momo already adult during the raid and never do anything interms of fighting
It's only 1 week after raid, all their doing is resting for the time being and celebrating their victory.
how did you even thought they'd get stronger lmaoo.
Before the battle start the Scabbards couldn't hurt Kaido. They obtained that power during battle. That means they can now use that power at will.

Yamato obtained ACoC and she can use it at will.

Momo being an adult means he has adult strength. Add his dragon DF powers like creating clouds to fly and carry an island. It was mentioned Momo is much tougher now and Luffy and Zoro tested him. All that implies Momo has a durable body like Kaido now since he has a similar DF.
I'm not wishing for it but do you really think she can beat an Admiral?
Scabbards will be quickly wiped out, just like Kaido did
Yamato will be left all by herself and the most I can see her do is some heroic feat, giving an hard time to Aramaki kinda like she did with Kaido
But after that, she'll need backup asap

All this IF the battle isn't stopped by Momo's mediation

Mmmm I am convinced of Kidd's connection to Lodestar
That's where we'll see his flashback and where the clash/fight with Luffy will happen

But hey, it's not like I wouldn't apreciate the scenario you described
It's just that Lodestar is the hill I'm ready to die on
To many hints point at that imo
I've never heard about a connection to lodestar?

Luffy "beat" BM was a fake propaganda since Luffy only threw 1 punch at BM at tes party and alliance lost at the party.
We never saw luffy fight BM nor damage her.

GB and Fuji actually fought Revos...it wasn't one attack or mere clash. We see Fuji hurt, we hear sabo is wanked all over.
We get revo going away to save kuma which means sabo is left to stall admirals lol
Them losing won't be unbelievable as WCI news were everybody knew luffy didn't win or do anything to BM


Talent is something you make bloom.
LMAO, also 1053 chapters of filler too apparently?!

Seriously though, I can't believe those 2 were mistreated this fucking badly and we didn't even get much on Rocks crew and Xebec after ALL of that fucking nonsense and dragging! No Shiki either!

Fuck man, Kaido and Big Mom were done so fucking dirtily and disgracefully.

I can't believe this is real, it feels like fan fiction of the highest tier. Seems like Odas restructuring of the final saga and thus story and the 1 month break has really PAID off after all!

How much of what we're seeing this chapter was really planned beforehand and especially at this timing too!?

Fuck man, my head is spinning so fucking much, it may as well be a drill right now!
At this point in my life, I'm just happy that we're done with those 2.
Now we deal with the characters that actually matter.

Gorosei Informer

Because plant = element. Pokemon logic.
Besides, "solid" logias exists. After all....Ice. So it's kiiiiiiinda understandable.
Yeah, I wanted him to be a logia for that reason. Japan seems to regard wood as an element in general and Kaidos dragon has wood based powers of all things in Japanese mythology too lol. They also regard metal as one if I remember right which is gonna have VERY interesting implications potentially!

Yeah thats true, I ironically was thinking of Aokiji earlier when people were complaining about Ara-ara-maki being a Logia and I even suggested there may be specifically Gaseous, Liquid and Solid Logias, maybe even Plasma too as well?! LMAO!

We had Katakuri being called Logia then changed to a Special Paramecia and I feel theres some similar fuckery going on with Green Bulls DF too.

Same with Blackbeards, maybe Buggys for some reason idk and even Luffys DFs too. I saw Luffys being described as a mix of at least Paramecia and Zoan awakenings and I've felt his DF will encompass all 3 types of DFs one day somehow too.

Luffy "beat" BM was a fake propaganda since Luffy only threw 1 punch at BM at tes party and alliance lost at the party.
We never saw luffy fight BM nor damage her.

GB and Fuji actually fought Revos...it wasn't one attack or mere clash. We see Fuji hurt, we hear sabo is wanked all over.
We get revo going away to save kuma which means sabo is left to stall admirals lol
Them losing won't be unbelievable as WCI news were everybody knew luffy didn't win or do anything to BM
Then confirm it. Did both Admirals get knocked out and shown defeated on the ground?
Or did Akainu say " Admirals were beaten in combat"?

You need to confirm it. You're assuming.
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