If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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They were expressing worry about how the battle was progressing outside of expectations...
If Luffy beats Kaidou without awakening and continues to grow stronger it just increases the likelihood of eventual awakening...
Literally no reason to interfere if they thought Kaidou would definitely kill Luffy by himself... Keep huffing copium, you seem to be ignoring all the chapters of Luffy looking better than Kaidou in their serious fight pre awakening. Creating some arbitrary zero chance for a Luffy victory is against the mindset of all characters involved.
Lmao luffy fans really are a different breed of fanboys.
Oden was conscious and relatively healthy, Kaido was unconscious and battered. Try again.
Oden was in bandages after being defeated the 3 days before and had to hold 7 giant fodders. His body is also farrrrrrrrr less durable than Kaido's and he doesnt have a Mythical Zoan DF either.

Id say both circumstances evens out.
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