If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Bizarre. If that’s the case then I wonder why he was not an official member of the World Government until the draft.

See this is the balance I am afraid of Oda Fucking up in typical Oda fashion. If you’re going to introduce a character like Aramaki (supposedly) simping for the Celestial Dragons…why did he never join the Marines until the draft? If he wanted to be a Celestial Dragon dog, he could’ve joined the Marines before now and served them all the same. Why wait until now though?

Will wait for full spoilers to judge.
Perhaps he was an officer under Akainu? Momousagi and Chaton did come out of nowhere too.
No, not really. Big Mom failed to catch up to the SHs even with heavy assistance from her crew, and she's one of the most powerful people in the world. Pre-skip Supernova managed to evade Kizaru during Sabaody. A lot of shit goes into capturing people who're trying to escape than just strength.

The manga literally says they clashed with the admirals, so it was probably a result of his fight with the Revs. Bandages don't prove you had an equal fight with your enemy. Garp had bandages from pre-skip Luffy and this is Sengoku by the end of the MF war:

He was converted in bandages, and the most damage he took during the war is nothing more than a bunch of bruises:

You can't seriously be sitting here and calling the others' takes dumb while trying to argue bandages prove Sabo with 3 people weaker than pre-Mera Sabo was fighting on equal footing with two admirals when you don't even how Fujitora even took damage.
1. Bigmom wasnt a good example since she was mentally weakened unless you are trying to imply that the admirals were when they clash with sabo and Co

2. Alot of shot does go onto capturing people. However the examples you show aren't of merit since we have never once seen two admirals earnestly try capturing a small group of people. Kizaru was 1 admiral and tried but he was stopped by Rayleigh. Akainu needed the help of seasoned and a vice admiral to capture marco since he was facing whitebeard. So there has never once been a situation in the past for you to draw an example from that similar to this one.

3. Bandages does not prove you had an equal fight. However bandages also does not prove that you actually won it either. So that was a bad take honestly.

4. He had these bandages on after a full weak from the events that happened in the reverie. So if an admiral still needs bandages even after a week then that's telling honestly.

5. You can't be seriously trying to argue against me when you have zero proof to remotely show thay fun took damage via some other means. Exactly which is why I called your take DUMB
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