No way 2 Admirals will lose to them. An all out Admiral wipes the entire Mariejoes from the maps, can't expect Fuji to bring down Meteor to the precious castle of Im -sama.
To be fair, all out Mera would also destroy it, yet we don't see any aftermath from it. They might as well have gone all out for a brief period with their powers being focused on a smaller area.
They get Kuma. They get intercepted by the Admirals, have a brief clash, Sabo hurts/injures Fujitora.
Then they escape (it could be various reasons, Bonney, Kuma, Morley) who knows.
Don't "injuries" don't mean shit. It's been 7 days.
Inu after getting beat by Kaido was still able to fight Jack. Your cope doesn't even make sense. You think these bandages nerf them like 50% while they are just there to cover up the scratches and nothing serious
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