Fool providers said they would post fool summary today, but stil no fool summary why are they fooling us around like fools? Do those fools actualy think we are fools? We might be foolish, but we ain‘t fools!
I dont believe SH must fight every single marine hahahaha
Some names, like Blackhorse must exist to let us be clear that if Akainu or Some VA dies, there is still good marines waiting to repoace them.
Marines are the "biggest" pirate crew in the world. And there are a lot of Yonko commander level ViceAdmirals over there.
It's my last day off work for this week, it's hot as fuck outside, I don't have any reason to leave the house in my car and waste gas today when I have everything I need here... swimming is fun but only about an hour a day for exercise and to take in some vitamin d from sunlight. Right now I am working on school work on my computer, watching TV, and also simultaneously monitoring worstgen, tinder, and my email from my phone. Don't flatter yourself by thinking you even have a fraction of my attention, I'm just really good at multitasking
Yeah it's 107°f here or like 42°c for those everywhere else, if I'm going outside it's either in my car with ac or to jump in my pool, neither of which involves grass.
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