People should stop using x feats to boost Z
Unless Oda has them fighting equal on panels like these :
Snakeman = base kata
Base BM = base kaido
Akainu >= Kuzan
So we can say, they can do what the other does vs X in battles.
People been using kaido feats to try say admirals can do the same to YCs/vets
When in reality Admirals were never shown easily doing that.
Even when GB beats King and queen, he fought their weakened versions and needed his df powers (probably turned to huge tree there too offscreen)
Let GB and Fuji prove they are fast and powerful enough to low/no diff no-fs luffy or fs luffy/ Katakuri
Unless Oda has them fighting equal on panels like these :
Snakeman = base kata
Base BM = base kaido
Akainu >= Kuzan
So we can say, they can do what the other does vs X in battles.
People been using kaido feats to try say admirals can do the same to YCs/vets
When in reality Admirals were never shown easily doing that.
Even when GB beats King and queen, he fought their weakened versions and needed his df powers (probably turned to huge tree there too offscreen)
Let GB and Fuji prove they are fast and powerful enough to low/no diff no-fs luffy or fs luffy/ Katakuri