If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Still haven’t read past the first sentence, but as a heads up spamming the laughing Goku emoji a lot is an indicator that L’s will be taken.

Just ask @Erkan12
Well wouldn’t expect much from a weirdo that still wanks a character he told us was gonna be cool with a “river of death” tattoo inspired by some Japanese actor,

now it turns out he is only a Celestial Dragon slave with no personality

First L is that of @AdmiralKinyagi :gokulaugh::milaugh:
Slamming someone to the ground with a sneak attack doesn't mean much. GB isn't even a defense-centric fighter like Kaido, but Yamato had Kaido on the ground with a similar attack too:

It's actually impressive GB shrugged off this attack when he's nowhere near as durable as Kaido.
Believe me I'm admiral supporter through and through...
but portrayl here is different... Momonosuke's words alone is enough... Yamato and Scabbards also do not give Greenbull the same amount of fear as they did with Kaido

Portrayl regardless of "this happened to Kaido too or not" is different by miles

With kaido, they are all ganging on Kaido and would ask Luffy and co and all alliance to gang on him

With Greenbull... Kinemon and co didn't even want Luffy to stop his celebration... Yamato acted like they would handle him and wouldn't let him disturb Luffy... Momo didn't want Yamato to interefere in his clash with him

Do you realize the difference? With Kaido they all were attacking together and still it they got outclassed completely
"Stay back, I can handle emperors on my own" imagine Momo say this to Yamato and Retainers vs Yonko

"Go Vista, stop him" imagine Marco say this to Vista to handle yonko 1v1 when Marco himself failed and got choked vs casual BM

Momo can handle admirals but eh... :suresure: it is not bad than BM antifeats
Choper and Nami thought of death even when they tried holding their ground with Jinbei when BM was near them

Momo is here confident to handle admirals
"They are much above Kata, above BM"
Portrayal tells you NOPE
The downplay of Yamato is ridiculous she stalled Kaido alone she alone is stronger than the 9 samurai

Whoever doubts Yamato should wake up
I guess Oda wanted to introduce Yamato to Greenbull "admiral" before joining Luffy's ship... by revealing she's Kaido's daughter/son or whatever... in order to hand her big first bounty... maybe this is why oda is delaying the crew bounty so far
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