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True that at some point you're growing tired of Riboku. Still an amazing antagonist though.
I think the reason why so many feel Riboku has overstayed his welcome is because of the story wanting to be somewhat consistent with history.

I mean it's not until 228 BC that Riboku gets stripped of military rank and executed, something that happens after one of the states (Han) falls.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
During the reinstatement of Qin Six, while SBK was issuing warnings and Kanki was making some remarks (glares from Ousen), Tou made the statement about punishing anyone who breaks the rules:

What do you all think about Tou's strength considering this statement or if he really is capable of fulfilling it ?

@Blackbeard @Yo Tan Wa @Owl Ki @MarineHQ62 @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Dark Admiral @Jailer @RayanOO @Godbuggy @Monet

Previously it's been said that Tou is someone who hasn't displayed his full capabilities (i don't know what Hara really meant with this) but during Juuko war, GHM said Wei should be most worried about Tou and MouBu. He and ReiOu also previously said that the man they should be most worried about in Qin is Tou.

But there isn't any such great feat from Tou to prove those statements. Except the statement that he's someone who's on the same level as Ouki.
I think this statement is just meant as a deterrent for Kanki and Ousen and not meant for us to gauge power levels from it lol. If Tou and Yotanwa decided to fight against any of the other 3 GGs or even all three of them at once, you can be sure that there would be massive casualties for both sides lol.
I think this statement is just meant as a deterrent for Kanki and Ousen and not meant for us to gauge power levels from it lol. If Tou and Yotanwa decided to fight against any of the other 3 GGs or even all three of them at once, you can be sure that there would be massive casualties for both sides lol.
The funny thing is the one that Tou would have to slay later is his superior lol
It's normal the Qin are the main protagonists but what Riboku pulled out was amazing

He deduced Qins movement without even the need of an spy normally you need bribing to learn the ways of your enemy he deduced everything

Smashed the 210.000 apart with a few ten thousands

Then he owned Ousen army with less warriors

And overpowered the Qin in Gian wiping out 100k soldiers

In my eyes he was reanimated
He completely owned Qin this time

Though I believe while he is busy killing those 100k soldiers

Kanki will sneaky attack Gian castle and obtain it
Everything between the beginning of the Zhao Retaliation Arc and the beginning of the Battle at Gian was a solid showing for RBK.

It's when the battle began that Hara went back to his usual bullshit of having RBK make confident declarations only for the opposite to happen. Again, this has been compounding since Sai.

I also hate that Kan Ki keeps getting credit. His two biggest wins to date - Koku You and Eikyuu - were delivered by clutch performances by Shin and Ou Hon.

Gian will fall, but it'll be because of Shin and the HSA.
I also hate that Kan Ki keeps getting credit. His two biggest wins to date - Koku You and Eikyuu - were delivered by clutch performances by Shin and Ou Hon.

Gian will fall, but it'll be because of Shin and the HSA.
nah this 100% wrong
you can't blame kanki here while other general not ?!
if it's not for the trio ousen would have lost at shokai and the whole gyo campaign , he got the credits as well

this the same in all battles the grand general get the credits
cuz whatever was the memebers shin or moten or rokomi or even if you have gg working under grand general
it's all on grand general he get's the credit

this is not heros/ pirates fights this is war .
A war between the 6GG - for whatever reason - would likely lead to extremely high numbers of casualties and the destruction of Qin altogether.

Zhao, Wei, Yan, Han and Chu would descend upon them like locust.

nah this 100% wrong
you can't blame kanki here while other general not ?!
if it's not for the trio ousen would have lost at shokai and the whole gyo campaign , he got the credits as well

this the same in all battles the grand general get the credits
cuz whatever was the memebers shin or moten or rokomi or even if you have gg working under grand general
it's all on grand general he get's the credit

this is not heros/ pirates fights this is war .
The difference is that I don't think a significant portion of the fandom doubts whether the Battle of Shukai plains would've been lost without the Q3 - Ou Sen pretty much said as much. It was acknowledged within the narrative. Before the Western Zhao Invasion even began, it was clear the Qin Military HQ were expecting a lot from the Q3.

With Kan Ki, a huge portion of the fandom - especially Kan Ki stans - by and large seem to think it's all down to his psychological warfare and clever bandit tactics. The narrative doesn't go out of its way to acknowledge that to the same degree, or perhaps I should say, it's not as clear cut about it.

Ou Sen said he had "better cards" and acknowledged RBK had him in a bad spot by taking out Ma Kou and putting A Kou out of commission.

At Eikyuu, it was mentioned the HSA arrived half a day early - the most critical element to winning Eikyuu - and that Ko Chou made a mistake in diverting forces. I guess Hara gave the readership too much credit there.

Kan Ki's talent is undeniable and I regard him as one of the most intelligent individuals in the series, but it seems pretty evident to me his biggest wins were facilitated by allied forces and that isn't acknowledged enough in my view.
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If Riboku considers the optimal way to proceed with the least casualties is to go slowly then he will do so.
That's what make him lose big campaigns like Sai. He didn't fully use either the elites of coalition or made any aggressive approach. First he knew about EiSei's intention of stretching the siege and also knew about there ain't any noticeable general left in Qin, but his arrogant attitude of "everything is under control" cost him the success for the campaign which could be his best achievement in whole life. He should knew that if it's only prolonging the war and even king is here than definitely there should a reinforcement coming soon. Lol

Secondly he saw the reinforcements on the top of the mountain but still couldn't come up with any counter or defensive approach to stabilize the situation. This might also be due to "reducing the losses of life". Lol
He has elites of multiple nations and well trained soldiers along with his titled brain of best in china and lastly Houken, a killing machine. But let’s just watch them come down and start massacre.

It's a war and for the sake of winning it you have to use soldiers and generals along with your calculations and predictions. Many times you even had to cross the line to achieve desired results. But let's stay in your own comfort zone of calculations.

This style of Riboku has affected him tremendously twice :
-During coalition war.
-During Shukai plains.

Might be third time as well right now when Kanki left his encirclement while a part of Kanki army, HSU and GKK might be going for the siege of Gian. First no one could get of his cage but later on "it's no problem if they got out of the cage".

@Owl Ki no doubt Riboku has the charisma to lead or even riling up a big army. But don't you think he's somewhat lacking in turning the momentum in losing grounds. Two instances :
- For a general of his caliber, he should be able to make at-least one counter, (if not for the chance of winning), against mountain army.
- In the central battlefield of Shukai Plains, when Ousen made Great Red Crane formation, his HQ didn't pass even single order to counter Ousen's offense. He placed all of his hopes on Futei and Bananji.

While there are two instances where the battle was going on in intense and chaotic form but commander was able to change tactics in between the battle and turn situation.

First, Mouten did against Kisui army and commanding a totally new army for himself. He wasn't even a general than.

Second, Ousen making great Crane formation while an intense battle was going on. He was standing right in the front of his army and giving orders for whole battlefield to take different positions. In the same battle we didn't see even a single successful counter from Riboku.

With the knowledge he had, his strategy was the most optimal one but with hindsight had he not been so committed to defensive or passive strategies and acted more offensively then he could have coincidentally beaten Ousen before those saboteurs burnt the city's food stores, it would have cost him way more men though.
Exactly. His comfort zone and believing too much in his own calculations.

You should have added one more important thing, no doubt the strategy was great considering the situation but how could Riboku miss something important like putting spies in Gyou when Ousen made such a big commotion while making civilians of tens of cities around Gyou moving towards Gyou itself. While staying overconfident with Gyou having supplies longer than Qin army but again missing the important point, Ousen still continuing war even after shortage of supplies. He knew perfectly that Ousen didn't start a war which he sure about unable to win.
By the next arc, what size of armies will the Q3 command?

My guess is 30,000.

I don't think the floor goes lower than 20,000.

Kyou Kai is due a promotion to general. It would appear Ai Sen and Riku Sen are too. Ou Hon's situation is less clear, but the point is that the Q3 are more than ready to command greater number of troops, and it would seem wise to trust them given the situation with the revitalised Zhao military machine operated by Ri Boku.

The HSA and GKA lost more than half their numbers so they're going to take some time to rebuild after this arc. I assume there will be another round of promotions after Gian. The act of breaking free from RBK's cage alone will justify it, never mind taking Gian.
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Okay, so I just read 724-727. Here are some General thoughts:

Chapter 724 was straight up the most severe miscalculation that Riboku has made in his entire military career. I actually ended up rereading Riboku’s logic several times because even without the benefit of having my knowledge as a reader, I think I would’ve questioned Riboku’s logic here.

Riboku’s logic was “Kanki has achieved all of his victories through Un-traditional strategies, therefore his weakness is traditional warfare.” Okay, that’s fine, I can agree with that, but then Riboku says “because Kanki didn’t pincer Keisha at KokuYou Hills, this means Kanki straight up does not know formal strategy.” Okay, so:
-We as the readers know that this logic is wrong. Kanki knew he should have pincered Keisha, but simply decided not to.
-Even if we didn’t know that, this is almost an elementary logical fuckup from Riboku. I understand that it’s hard for Riboku to reverse engineer someone’s tactics without even knowing what they look like, but like..this was such a severe leap in logic that I actually thought it might straight up cost Riboku this battle (though as of 727, this does not seem to be the case, Kanki is likely finished here).

Like I said, I actually reread Riboku’s reasoning here multiple times because I was so in shock that a character who thus far I thought has shown pretty flawless logic, to make such a glaring error in his calculations. And like I said I literally thought Riboku may lose this battle when I read that. But anyway, onto other things:

-Zenou is low key the strongest motherfucker in Qin right now lmfao. This arm-strength is unheard of, not even Man’U was sending corpses flying this far, what the fuck lol. And what do you know:

Rip to anyone underestimating the strength of the Moubu army if Riboku is comparing the strength of Moubu’s soldiers to Kanki’s strongest clan lol. I do not think Zenou dies here for the record.

Okay, so…we’ll see is all I’m going to say. I think the Kanki army is fucked beyond repair but it’s virtually guaranteed that Kanki is not actually finished yet.

As for Qin’s plans of unifying Zhao, this line from Riboku here to me really makes it seem like Hara will stay very faithful to Li Mu’s historical achievements. And if this is true, got Damn. Riboku really is the strongest General ever lol.

Last note, Kanki:

He really is a character who has massively grown on me over time, his victory over Kochou was imo straight up incredible, and his strategy of delaying Riboku into a nighttime fight was really enjoyable. He’s certainly a bandwagon favorite but I guess it’s okay to be a fan of bandwagon characters every now and then lol.

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@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @Abysswalker @MarineHQ62 @bigboii @God Buggy
Okay, so I just read 724-727. Here are some General thoughts:

Chapter 724 was straight up the most severe miscalculation that Riboku has made in his entire military career. I actually ended up rereading Riboku’s logic several times because even without the benefit of having my knowledge as a reader, I think I would’ve questioned Riboku’s logic here.

Riboku’s logic was “Kanki has achieved all of his victories through Un-traditional strategies, therefore his weakness is traditional warfare.” Okay, that’s fine, I can agree with that, but then Riboku says “because Kanki didn’t pincer Keisha at KokuYou Hills, this means Kanki straight up does not know formal strategy.” Okay, so:
-We as the readers know that this logic is wrong. Kanki knew he should have pincered Keisha, but simply decided not to.
-Even if we didn’t know that, this is almost an elementary logical fuckup from Riboku. I understand that it’s hard for Riboku to reverse engineer someone’s tactics without even knowing what they look like, but like..this was such a severe leap in logic that I actually thought it might straight up cost Riboku this battle (though as of 727, this does not seem to be the case, Kanki is likely finished here).

Like I said, I actually reread Riboku’s reasoning here multiple times because I was so in shock that a character who thus far I thought has shown pretty flawless logic, to make such a glaring error in his calculations. And like I said I literally thought Riboku may lose this battle when I read that. But anyway, onto other things:

-Zenou is low key the strongest motherfucker in Qin right now lmfao. This arm-strength is unheard of, not even Man’U was sending corpses flying this far, what the fuck lol. And what do you know:

Rip to anyone underestimating the strength of the Moubu army if Riboku is comparing the strength of Moubu’s soldiers to Kanki’s strongest clan lol. I do not think Zenou dies here for the record.

Okay, so…we’ll see is all I’m going to say. I think the Kanki army is fucked beyond repair but it’s virtually guaranteed that Kanki is not actually finished yet.

As for Qin’s plans of unifying Zhao, this line from Riboku here to me really makes it seem like Hara will stay very faithful to Li Mu’s historical achievements. And if this is true, got Damn. Riboku really is the strongest General ever lol.

Last note, Kanki:

He really is a character who has massively grown on me over time, his victory over Kochou was imo straight up incredible, and his strategy of delaying Riboku into a nighttime fight was really enjoyable. He’s certainly a bandwagon favorite but I guess it’s okay to be a fan of bandwagon characters every now and then lol.

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@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @Abysswalker @MarineHQ62 @bigboii @God Buggy
Excellent post. I don’t agree with all of your views but find value in your perspective.
By the next arc, what size of armies will the Q3 command?

My guess is 30,000.

I don't think the floor goes lower than 20,000.

Kyou Kai is due a promotion to general. It would appear Ai Sen and Riku Sen are too. Ou Hon's situation is less clear, but the point is that the Q3 are more than ready to command greater number of troops, and it would seem wise to trust them given the situation with the revitalised Zhao military machine operated by Ri Boku.

The HSA and GKA lost more than half their numbers so they're going to take some time to rebuild after this arc. I assume there will be another round of promotions after Gian. The act of breaking free from RBK's cage alone will justify it, never mind taking Gian.
nah don't think there will be a ceremony or promotions soon

just like vs koshu or 3 kingdom battle there was nothing.

this why i think the ceremony will be at the end of zhou .
nah don't think there will be a ceremony or promotions soon

just like vs koshu or 3 kingdom battle there was nothing.

this why i think the ceremony will be at the end of zhou .
I don’t anticipate any sort of ceremonies for the Q3 gaining bigger armies.

The way that would come about in my mind is by a modest timeskip and some text boxes giving basic information on size and relevant promotions. Maybe basic reasoning for their bigger responsibilities, etc.

There won’t be another big battle after Gian for months. The Q3 have only become more and more critical to the success of the war effort in Zhao, it only makes sense they will command larger armies and soon.

I don’t necessarily think this will be the way, but it’s entirely possible Ou Sen divides the Tai Gen Army among his subordinates as he sees fit to bolster their numbers and impact. Since they’re largely conscripts, they probably have limited use to the Ou Sen Army outside of fodder - but to the Q3 that can heroically lead on the battlefield and inspire ordinary men to fight beyond their natural limits? I’d like to see it.

(It would also allow Heki and Fuu Han to rejoin the war, assuming both make of back alive.)
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I don’t anticipate any sort of ceremonies for the Q3 gaining bigger armies.

The way that would come about in my mind is by a modest timeskip and some text boxes giving basic information on size and relevant promotions. Maybe basic reasoning for their bigger responsibilities, etc.

There won’t be another big battle after Gian for months. The Q3 have only become more and more critical to the success of the war effort in Zhao, it only makes sense they will command larger armies and soon.

I don’t necessarily think this will be the way, but it’s entirely possible Ou Sen divides the Tai Gen Army among his subordinates as he sees fit to bolster their numbers and impact. Since they’re largely conscripts, they probably have limited use to the Ou Sen Army outside of fodder - but to the Q3 that can heroically lead on the battlefield and inspire ordinary men to fight beyond their natural limits? I’d like to see it.

(It would also allow Heki and Fuu Han to rejoin the war, assuming both make of back alive.)
it never mentioned in ceremony that general get more numbers.

kanki ousen tou etc
they never get more numbers just land and golds or rise in noble rank etc.

numbers depends on the scale of war

general in one war could lead 40k then in next battle only leads 10k etc.

for example tou in 3k arc have only 10k
it never mentioned in ceremony that general get more numbers.

kanki ousen tou etc
they never get more numbers just land and golds or rise in noble rank etc.

numbers depends on the scale of war

general in one war could lead 40k then in next battle only leads 10k etc.

for example tou in 3k arc have only 10k
That's my point. I believe when the Q3 get bigger armies, it'll be addressed in text boxes and maybe the dialogue, but there won't be a ceremony. The relevant promotions would acknowledged as and when.
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Shoutout to the man who would've been the Genpo of the HSU, if he hadn't chosen to retire so the other two units could stay relevant compared to the HSU. :sadgrin:

The main strategist of the HSU during Bayou arc who formulated the strategy to allow Shin to proceed and slay Fuuki. Along with ensuring the survival of those that remained alongside Lt. En.

The man who Shin treated akin to Kyoukai & En, his two LTs. Despite him only being a squad leader.

The man who came up with the strategy that allowed them to outsmart Ouhon and co:

The man who saved the men who'd become HSU's pillars, along with passing down some wisdom to the infantry commander of the HSU & Vice-infantry commander. Saving who's been by Shin's side the longest, EnSan, many times.

The man who was once on par with the mighty Moubu in Martial prowess, just kidding. The man who saved the HSU many times :

The Great RoEn-dono of the HSU.

The man who showed mercy to the enemies of HSU & Qin by retiring after Sanyou campaign. :madmonk:

Pay your homage to the legend:
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Shoutout to the man who would've been the Genpo of the HSU, if he hadn't chosen to retire so the other two units could stay relevant compared to the HSU. :sadgrin:

The main strategist of the HSU during Bayou arc who formulated the strategy to allow Shin to proceed and slay Fuuki. Along with ensuring the survival of those that remained alongside Lt. En.

The man who Shin treated akin to Kyoukai & En, his two LTs. Despite him only being a squad leader.

The man who came up with the strategy that allowed them to outsmart Ouhon and co:

The man who saved the men who'd become HSU's pillars, along with passing down some wisdom to the infantry commander of the HSU & Vice-infantry commander. Saving who's been by Shin's side the longest, EnSan, many times.

The man who was once on par with the mighty Moubu in Martial prowess, just kidding. The man who saved the HSU many times :

The Great RoEn-dono of the HSU.

The man who showed mercy to the enemies of HSU & Qin by retiring after Sanyou campaign. :madmonk:

Pay your homage to the legend:
Great post. Lol. :pepelit: