Considering Oda's writing this arc, and how he wants to speed up, following the narrative that the Scabbards and the rest present, should be able to defend Wano, it's not impossible to disregard that.
Nope. I disagree. Maybe Oda will interrupt the fight by having Akainu call out GB for an emergency but he's not getting battle 2 chapters in. Heck, even in a Sabo wank chapter Oda bothered having a character explain Aramaki (and Fujitora) were very restrained to explain revo getting away and people actually consider the idea Aramaki already lost? FFS
I don't get it. At worst the chapter ends with Momo hurting Aramaki with a surprise Boro breath, but we got kaido screaming like a little girl from getting bitten by Momo so i can handle such L.
3 years ago: If you think Fujitora and Ryokugyu actually "lost" to Sabo and Revs you're brain damaged

Present: Fujitora and Greenbitch actually lost to Sabo and Morley

History repeating itself:myman:
3 years ago : "if you think admirals were restrained you're on copium who cares about the holy land"
Present : Admirals were indeed restrained
I'm doing fine