I don't give a fuck about Weevil stuff. It's a L but acceptable considering Weevil was introduced a having young Whitebeard level strenght
It's the Momo stuff that is literally unforgivable considering this what his state after 2 seconds of fight

This is literally worse than anything that happened in the series.
Good thing I made that shit up.
one is a L but forgivable
other one is literally the worst writing i have ever seen in history of fiction
Big mom getting roll like a ball by Jinbei and Robin was already a troll writing and would be the worst writing ever seen in history of fiction considering how her status as Yonko supposed to be one of the most feared pirate.
But it is what it is nobody call it worst by blame Linlin
Is it the worst writing in history acc to you because of being an Admiral fan
Or its legit really worse