Admiral fans, which option is more desirable for you:

1. GB stomps Scabbards and Momo, but gets defeated by Shanks.

2. GB is fended off by all the SHs, forced to escape from Wano.

3. Same as 1 but Law and Kid stay in Wano to stop GB and allow SHs to get away to the next island. They ultimately defeat him or at least escape from him.
Admiral fans, which option is more desirable for you:

1. GB stomps Scabbards and Momo, but gets defeated by Shanks.

2. GB is fended off by all the SHs, forced to escape from Wano.

3. Same as 1 but Law and Kid stay in Wano to stop GB and allow SHs to get away to the next island. They ultimately defeat him or at least escape from him.
All are trash
2nd is the best one I guess
Lol imagine if that’s really why
The disrespect
It's 99% what's gonna happen... He came to capture Luffy but that's never gonna happen so he's just gonna grow Wano's forests, take an L and leave. I think it's possible that Oda made him beat King and Queen because what's coming for him ain't promising...

And again this whole thing is super dumb... He clearly isn't strong enough for Luffy alone realistically, let alone the whole alliance. Even Akainu knows that but Aramaki is acting stupid...
Don krieg has bandages and luffy beat him up. By your logic luffy beat 5% don krieg .

‘’Ussop have bandages water 7 to thriller park. Oar can’t one shot Ussop who is in bandages.
‘Oh luffy beat Ussop who is in bandages. Yet luffy did not one shot him.

In one piece world , people can recover like nothing in few days. Freaking Ussop got skull cracked by mr.4 guy.
Nami got foot piece by miss doublefinger, yet nami can walk like nothing.

‘’in one piece world, if person rest few days , person’s health return to 100% whatever bandages or not.
When is it stated they recovered clown? No a person doesn't return to 100% with bandages after resting for a few days

Your points about Ussop are stupid. Ussop didn't have bandages at thrillerbark and literally this chapter stated they atill recovering. Stop your fanfiction. Lucci was recovering for days opun days.