Momo's story has never been about becoming physically strong. Dunno why people are still expecting that at point. It's literally been spelt out by the narrator that it isn't going to happen and that Momo becomes a great shogun through his compassion and dedication instead of strength, which he lacks.

His character arc reflects Wano itself. Both isolate themselves but learn that ultimately they're much better off by opening up and asking for help from others. It's one of the very first things we see about Momo's character.
Yamao's gonna help him with GB. Ice > Plants. Plus it's about time the scabbards saw her Guardian of Wano mutt form.
Because he holds the title of Admiral. This is one of the instances where this comes back to bite us in our asses. GB doesn't need feats. His rank is enough as Admirals are already established so that would definitely hype Shanks.
The first sign of intelligence in this conversation has finally appeared. Keep going with this idea and hopefully you'll realize how silly this whole thing you guys got yourselves into is. :finally:
Leaks aren't exactly out but Leanbull fans will be in mud considering they were jumping like monkey's yelling Leanbull would SOLO the freaking ALLIANCE but the outcome was totally different.
think this is the case where a vocal minority represents other fans lol.

the alliance are at apoint where kaido and big mom together would lose . greenbull doing that would break every bit of powerscaling left in the story . conversely same with momonosuke forcing him to retreat due to how strong he is.

both of these expectations i think are just unrealistic.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Because he holds the title of Admiral. This is one of the instances where this comes back to bite us in our asses. GB doesn't need feats. His rank is enough as Admirals are already established so that would definitely hype Shanks.
How is his rank enough when 99% of the fandom disrespects his rank? Lol

And also when Shanks already mage the Fleet Admiral back down at Marineford? Him making Green Bull retreat would be a lesser feat than this lol.
Because people have been desperate to downplay Admirals since 1053 when the weakest Admiral casually invalidated all of their head canon lol.

Rather than simply admitting that they were wrong about how strong the Admirals were, they are praying that their head canon will somehow re-established by Green Bull running away 2 chapters after his introduction. Lol
oh I see
i thought new info came out
so thats not even the case . lol then
Even stuff like Oda hyping Green Bull’s DF as “a power that rivals the Sea”, to think that Oda would write this line intending to merely have Green Bull turn into a tree and then run away 1 chapter later…
GB hyped himself up, not Oda. He needs to be humbled for thinking he can just walk into Alliance territory. Him not even getting to see Luffy's face is appropriate humiliation.
I doubt there will be a real fight with greenbul. Admirals will be reserved for the final war.

So I guess there will be some way how Greenbull will be forced to leave.

Either there will be another huge situation with Sabo, Blackbeard somehow brings up a situation, GB sees Shanks and leaves because its to much, or he acknowledge Luffy + Kid + Law would be to much to deal with alone, or something else like that.