Probability of Sakazuki ordering Greenbull to follow Shanks out of Wano? 🤔
Doesn't fit the "not another one" and "not again" stuff from the leakers, but it might play into that somehow.
Seeing what Latrinecucks have done today @nik87 is a legend. He hasn't lost hope yet and latrinecucks have already shifted sides before the spoilers are released.
I swear if any other fandom even experince the half shit what we Jack fans got, they would quit the manga longtime ago...
We Jack fans just suffer pain...
I believe that’s me actually, sorry everyone for the mess, I mean it
TraitorKinyagi and SakuraHQ28 being sad Idc, but it does hurt to see Wiwi in a meltdown despite the inaccurate shits he said about my man
I’ll shut up now until spoilers come
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