None of real providers said anything, schizo. Redon only posted a gif and that's it.

What you call "providers" are just retards like you, that stalk this forum and post every single idea from this chat as a possible spoiler

Because I didn't claim anything, schizo
You are the one who said that Greenbull took an L and I asked what your proof is. Where did I claim anything?

Yes, schizo

No idea. Maybe few more chats with you and I will reach the bottom of mental retardation.
You just made a claim that there was a hint that leaker showed about a man in green running away (hinting greenbull) yet state that I need to provide more details? You got your answer already lol. I know it hurts but don't bitch to me about it. Again I will ask what level of retardation have you reached . We are always ready to assist those in need