Who's the better troll?

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Kaido's and BM's haki - Onigashima level only

Shanks Haki - felt through the entire Wano and beyond, he's outside Wano :handsup:

This is some great hype for Shanks, the one who set the MC to this adventure, chapter 1, we have been waiting over 1000 chapters for this, starting as some good payoff with an admiral retreating after sensing his haki
Shanks is in wano
It's like saying Shanks and Wb coc is only ship level when they clashed
@ZenZu everything about GB can be excused, but getting heavily injured by the very first BB of an kid in an adult body is awful for a solid TT.

Just shows how much of a cretin Oda really is. First he throws down one 1 RHM and 1 YC down the bus for the sake of GB's hype, now he disappoints with the actual showings of GB and throws him down the Bus for adult body Momo and Shanks...

If it turns out that no current or past Admiral except Sengoku and Garp have CoC, do you think it will be clear that Akainu will fight Sabo instead of Luffy considering that the latter has been getting final bosses with CoC throughout the New World?

Interested in your reasonings :pepebusi:
Oh now I can definitely see Sanji fighting an admiral.

Previously I was skeptical because I thought Admirals ~ Yonkos and to me it was kind of a stretch to have EOS Sanji at the same level (roughly) of the likes of Shanks or Kaido

But now that Aramaki failed admirals I can definitely see also Sanji fighting one of them without any contradiction
Agreed let me start by taking my L so I can show admiral fans the right way to do things. I said that Sanji was not fighting an admiral. But based on this chapter I am wrong. Him facing greenbull eos makes perfect sense now. For doubting this happening I am truly sorry
Oda used an admiral to hype a kid

There's no bigger L than this
Momo is not a Kid, he is 28 years old right now. Read the manga and not your head canon.
He has Odens Body and Kaidous DF.
You guys lose your shit because Momo hit GB with a Fire attack which is the weakness off plants and hurt GB lol
Ace who wasn’t even close to Admirals could cancel Aokijis attack because Fire melts Ice.
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