Who's the better troll?

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What a L for admiraltards. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Where ya at admiral fans? I guess the suicide watch list is going to get another expansion, HAHAHAHAHAHA. What a embarrassment for the admiral fans. Admiral heavily injured by ONE Boro breath when rooftop Luffy tanked it point blank and that too from Kaido AHAHAHAHAHA.


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This is the most embarrassing admiral ever
Got heavily injuried by momo 10 year old

got kicked out of wano due to fear of Haki blast after talking all that shit

got his head bashed in by yc3 level yamatoe

got his branches cut in awakenjng form by veteran level characters
Cmon momo is a 10 year old in Oden's body xD

Also fighting 2 Yonkos ( Luffy / Shanks ) + 2 Guys that took down a Yonko ( Law / Kidd ) + crews and the whole Wano country is a bit out of everyone's league

Gorosei Informer

King of Lightning called it first by his reaction of 1054.



i know the God King stuff is cringe but the "RUN, just RUN" call is apparently on point. I'll call Shanks Crimson King from now on

In The Court of the Crimson King Emperor

Momo is an absolutely garbage character that Oda can’t even use properly

He didn’t even show us him holding up Onigashima and moving it away for Luffy. He doesn’t show Momo fighting anyone this entire raid.

Suddenly Oda decides to make his whole arc about being a fighter and the defender of Wano.

What the hell is this shitty writing. It’s gotten to the point it’s a joke
What Oda should have done is slowly build Momo as a fighter.
Like during the raid have him have fight someone and learn to use his abilities (+ remember what Zoro taught him).
Instead he made Momo a pussy that needed 30 chapters to even understand how to release his clouds at the last minute.
Also why the the FUCK even have the narrator literally state in 1051 that Momo lacked sttenght ???
Jesus Christ! Am i reading this right? So Greenbull was used as a hypetool for Momonosuke? :gokulaugh:

Can you go any lower than that?:lulz:

GreenBroccoli, the ultimate hypetool, for momo, Shinobu and oh a Yonko as well, who would have thought? :myman:

Admiral fanboys better pray the leaks were overly exaggerated
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