Who's the better troll?

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Thats exactly what I've been saying about him too. People think this is Kidds entire role in the series for some batshit insane reason. Thats like assuming Punk Hazard was gonna be Laws only arc lmfao.
From the beginning I always said that Kidd’s main role will come in whatever arc focuses on Shanks. He has way too many connections to him. No way he was going to become irrelevant before getting a payoff to what Oda has been building between him and Shanks
I bet these spoilers are overreacted like last chapter's spoilers by providers:

>the part about him being severely injured is probably just a fire gag that it burns wood and nothing more
>he gives up because he remembered what Akainu told him about not making things worse, so he realizes he can't fight alliance and then risk being destroyed by Shanks and his crew

Not to mention the whole shit about him being injured severely is 99% bullshit because it's not confirmed by any credible provider

Gorosei Informer

You know Akainu would HATE people who desert the Marines so easily as proven when he killed that Marine for wanting to back down too.

Marines in OP and IRL militaries do NOT take kindly to deserters/cowards/"betrayers" lol.

I'm honestly surprised he purposely spared Aokiji as it was said he did apparently, but either he did it out of respect or he and Aokiji are up to something together. Or Aokiji told him what he planned and maybe what he knows, about some corruption in the WG and such or so. Most likely discussed the Ohara incident too.

From the beginning I always said that Kidd’s main role will come in whatever arc focuses on Shanks. He has way too many connections to him. No way he was going to become irrelevant before getting a payoff to what Oda has been building between him and Shanks
Yeah exactly, he was gunning for Shanks at first and Oda is setting up way too much of a personal connection with them.

I honestly am extremely disappointed he's not in Film Red and we still didn't learn Shanks full name which makes me wonder if he and Kidd are related after all too or its just coincidence.

I really can't wait for Kidd and Shanks to get their personal arcs.
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