Who's the better troll?

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If Sanji had kicked Aokiji with Diable Jambe when he used Slice Shoot, he would have hurt him. Chopper could beat crocodile with a surprise water punch.

A baby could choke superman with kryptonite. That's how weaknesses fucking work.
People are too caught up either in their delusional agendas or just plain trolling for the sake of it.

Just give them more food and enjoy the shitshow
Shanks is basically a beast :D lol just sensing his CoC scare an admiral and Momo heavily injured GB. and again are the admirals really comparable to the Yonko?
I was trying to convince myself they might be just a little bit weaker, but this chapter makes me think they are really just weaklings
You do realize that GB and Fujitora are both rookie Admirals and therefore not as strong or as experienced as Kizaru and Aokiji that had been Admirals for years by the time they were introduced to us.
Exactly. Something like what Yamato did last chap. But the providers are making it seem like he was heavily damaged and will come out as a burn victim.
People don't understand that he cannot fight the alliance + the red hair pirates alone. Sakazuki told him not to do anything stupid. If he engages with Luffy and his crew or with Shanks and his crew the possibility of him being engaged by both is high, and as we can see in this chapter Aramaki and Luffy sensed Shanks. Pirates would surely attack and Admiral first before they attack each other. Actually his best move is to retreat.
Kaido got hurt from his own blast breath, Aramaki is a plant so he is highly vulnerable, probably something like last chapter with Yamato, nothing serious. It is interesting that Aramaki also sense Shanks and his crew, just like Luffy and Kidd, this proves that they have strong haki, people were saying that they didn't have any strong haki.
Please stop the cope.

Luffy tanked the blast breath head on with minimal injuries and Zoro cut it in half. If Greenbull was worth a damn he would've mustered a defense or tanked it with haki alone especially since it's from an 8 year old who just learned how to do it.
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