Who's the better troll?

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I lost so much this week. My sanity, my Reddit account with 80k karma (including an Elden Ring post with a few million views), and the trust of the admiral fandom.

I am literally never going to believe anything not written by Eten or Redon again. Holy shit.
The chapter hasn't even officially come out and we don't really know the context and you've reached this point...

Shanks has secrets, he would face 4 emperors practically...


You weren't just trying to make sense of their reason, you said "can we blame them?"

yes i can

it's selfish and shitty behaviour
I know
"Can we blame them?" is a rhetorical question. We should ask ourselves if we're better than them or maybe we're just as trash as they are. Everyone who goes "I do this and that evil shit so I can survive" is just as bad. And I am including myself here
- It does not heavily injure Aramaki, in fact he was ready to get serious for round 2 before he felt Shanks coming
Ok look here me out! I’m not biased when it comes to Admirals V Yonko as I enjoy both equally

However I believe the Yonko are vastly stronger and I enjoy trolling the admiral fandom because they’re easy to piss off 😂😂🤣

But c’mon bruh….I saw a quote from etenboby saying GB was “heavily” damaged and now all of a sudden he wasn’t? Can i trust any provider here? Wtf???? I did all that clowning for what exactly???

I mean it’s still pretty sad a fucking 8 year old with 0% fighting experience pushed an admiral to the point where he’s serious but wow….
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