Who's the better troll?

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Seeing as how he chopped up a yc1 not too long ago, you're fucking stupid.
Seeing as how these ranks are fanmade nonsense, there is no way Queen = Ace with a 1 billion bounty when Ace was the son of the pirate king lol. And Smoothie=/= a fucking science dinosaur. And we've seen how Yonko are decided. No one checked if Sanji was as strong as Lucky Roo.
For Aramaki
He was going to Wano thinking he’ll face an upstart yonko (Luffy)

then he is now alone between TWO yonko crew with no support

thus taking a step back and recalculating his plan is NOT bad.. it is even better cause it shows he’s smart and knows tactics and isn’t just muscle with dead brain
Tbh its time people start not underestimating luffy
So in the grand scheme of things Oda introduced a new admiral as a hype tool for adult momo. Doesn't look good for him tbh.
He didn't stand a chance vs Luffy Law and Kidd combo to begin with anyway.
The hype tool would be true if Momo managed to completely put down Aramaki
But that did not happen
And he ordered a fleet of navy to come
Which means.. greenbull role is just starting
From Redon :

The detail of which I speak appears in the pages of the chapter in black and white.

In addition, the Color Spread is this one that we all already know, to promote the film

Zoro isn’t a top tier yet, he couldn’t have surpassed Benn and Shiryu just yet and even they aren’t at that level but any bonafide high tier can clash with a top tier
Trust me when I tell you
Zoro vs Shiryu will be as much of a slaughter as Zoro vs Pica.

Zoro isn't a commander level fighter
Even before CoC he could block Hakai and scar kaido..commanders can't dream of that.

Current zoro is definitely a yonko level character even if he loses to most of them due to time limit
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