Who's the better troll?

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Lead them to paradise.
If not for plot & the "we will safeguard Wano by ourself" narrative, what happened to Raizo would've happened to all the Scabbards & Momo within seconds and Yamato would've beaten after that.
If not for Plot Kaido would’ve murdered the scabbards on the RT, if not for plot Kaido would’ve murdered Kinemon and Momo/Shinobu, If not for Plot BM wouldn’t have turned her back to downed Kid and Law and finished them off,etc
As of now I’m thinking that The WG didn’t want the navy to head into wano under kaidos reign because he was keeping the borders closed, which they wanted. But now that he has fallen and momonosuke is presumably going to lower the borders (and thus release pluton) the WG has kinda given the OK to the navy to investigate/take proper measures.

Thoughts? @Extravlad @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Lili @ClownKingKinyagi @AkainuTheGrimReaper
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