We are literally shown him screaming in pain before and exaggerating his expression then saying "JK LOL". Instead this time Momo repeats his attacks over and over and over. which burn down his entire forest and then he reappears just like Kuzan reappeared. And what's shown when he reappears?? Right no damage was done to him. What does that mean?? The attacks were ineffective. What should that tell you? He was exaggerating. Do you know who else exaggerates?? Another Yonko by the name of Blackbeard (though he actually gets damaged, but not to the extent he makes it seem like).
"you can't tell me he's ok".. you mean the face where he's surprised that the kid who couldn't use boro breath is about to toss in another one in a row?? lmao.
"don't compare it to Kuzaru, Aokiji situation", jesus do you only read Agendapiece?? The point was their bodies got damaged, but it doesn't matter since there was no actual damage on them. WE SEE GREENBULL, he has 0 marks. When a logia actually gets damaged, they will receive marks on their bodies indicating damage was done to them.
"you can't tell me he's ok".. you mean the face where he's surprised that the kid who couldn't use boro breath is about to toss in another one in a row?? lmao.
"don't compare it to Kuzaru, Aokiji situation", jesus do you only read Agendapiece?? The point was their bodies got damaged, but it doesn't matter since there was no actual damage on them. WE SEE GREENBULL, he has 0 marks. When a logia actually gets damaged, they will receive marks on their bodies indicating damage was done to them.
If Aramaki got damage with marks, it would even look worse.
And yes bolo breath is effective against him
That's what Oda showing us.
He showing us momo really did something great.
Stop speed reading.
"We literally shown he scream in pain before and saying its JK"

Jezz......Yes Raizo power wasn't effective enough that he even joke about it.
That's why Oda is very sensational to show that earlier, because later he will get blasted by far stronger fire blast which he won't joke about it anymore ROFL.
You only compare him to Kizaru/Kuzan situation based on "no damage taken".
Which isn't the case, we dont do comparison like that
Kizaru/Kuzan were still chill and just fking around, they aren't dealing with person effective against their powers to go serious.
Aramaki tree form completely got burn down in few blast by his elemental counters, and set free all his trapped opponent, which forcing him go very serious for round 2. That's what effective means. It doesn't mean to necessarily do huge damage or wound them but to get rid of their abilities and hurting them.
And yes you can't see Aramaki face expression and go away saying that is nothing lol.
First BB, got him surprise. This is natural
When the 2nd BB about to be blast, i never seen an Admiral sweat that much when an attack is launch at them ROFL.