Chapter Discussion Not only was Yamato not allow to fight Greenbull she wasn't even allow to touch him

"GB couldn't do crap to Momo"
*literally had Momo on the ground coughing blood in a group fight*
Left no real damage on Momo
You also said Momo didn't leave a scratch on GB ,
I wonder where is Momo bloody face or body after the fight

He couldn't do crap
Having Momo down a but isn't a victory for an admiral lol
You guts happy now that an admiral can barely keep a kid down for sometime
Yamato looked like she wasnt doing a thing. She wasnt hope to be involved by Momo. She recommends Luffy then. But Momo said No too.

It is needed to emphasize Momo Decision. It is to state that Wano is Safe by Momo & Samurai alone. No Pirates help, no Yamato/Kaido's kid.

I guess it is clear when we calm. If not, then ask ourself why can't.

Yamato is for being Outside of Wano. The matter becoming a SH or not, talk it in the nakama thread. Momo Made it clear that Yamato must go.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Left no real damage on Momo
You also said Momo didn't leave a scratch on GB ,
I wonder where is Momo bloody face or body after the fight

He couldn't do crap
Having Momo down a but isn't a victory for an admiral lol
You guts happy now that an admiral can barely keep a kid down for sometime
You do realize that Momo's dragon is the same as Kaido right? That Momo had a 28 year old body with Oden genetics right? It's perfectly fine for BM to get stalled by a 17 year old reindeer right? We literally see Momo coughing blood from a slam and was down until the Scabbards gave him time to get up.

I know being disingenuous is your gimmick but damn lol
The same Yamato saw greenbull slap Momo his speech, then slab raizo with his vine, and literally suck him .

Why would Yamato not to attack greenbull because she saw her friend literally got suck to death ? Why she need listen his order when your friend got sucked to death ?

Also Yamato got trapped by greenbull . Why she would not escape from vines ?

Escaping from vines doesn’t count as fighting greenbull.

The same Yamato want to call luffy and his friends to defeat greenbull?

Why Yamato need to call luffy and his friends for help if she is supposed to solo greenbull ?
Stop with the headcannons in trying to create senarios that did not happen

It's heavily implied more than once in the chapter 1055 that Yamato did not engage
You do realize that Momo's dragon is the same as Kaido right? That Momo had a 28 year old body with Oden genetics right? It's perfectly fine for BM to get stalled by a 17 year old reindeer right? We literally see Momo coughing blood from a slam and was down until the Scabbards gave him time to get up.

I know being disingenuous is your gimmick but damn lol
Maybe adult Momo with Kaido's DF and a mountain buster boro breath is weaker than Chopper.
I mean it was really obvious from the spoilers alone, and the chapter went even furher to reinforce that. Yamato wasnt allowed to even touch GB, and she respects Momo. She didnt give an ounce of care even when she was caught in his vines. She knew that shit wont do anything to her thats why she didn't bother to transform into hybrid or attack him using her elemental ice, which is an excellent counter to plants just like fire.
Yamato focused more on getting help for others because she knew they are nowhere near as durable as her. Though in the end, Momo's blast breath alone is enough to destroys his entire forest and make GB drops everyone:gokulaugh:
So you saying she fought back? And uh....GB dropped everyone when he got blasted by the first Boro idea what you were reading.

Momo and the Scabbards still fought and were easily subdued with Yamato.
I'm saying you're mixing the order of events Momo was the one to free everyone. There wasn't a single person who was restrained before Shanks stepped in. Round 2 was about to start.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I'm saying you're mixing the order of events Momo was the one to free everyone. There wasn't a single person who was restrained before Shanks stepped in. Round 2 was about to start.
Again, what are even talking about? I said GB dropped everyone after the 1st Boro Breath, and we was about to skewer Momo before Shanks intervened.
You do realize that Momo's dragon is the same as Kaido right? That Momo had a 28 year old body with Oden genetics right? It's perfectly fine for BM to get stalled by a 17 year old reindeer right? We literally see Momo coughing blood from a slam and was down until the Scabbards gave him time to get up.

I know being disingenuous is your gimmick but damn lol
You di realise that Momo isn't kaido

Last I remember it was a team effort against nerfed BM
Oh yeah Chopper combat experience > Momo
Also Chopper didn't stall BM, he was just getting damaged by Prometheus heat lol
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Again, what are even talking about? I said GB dropped everyone after the 1st Boro Breath, and we was about to skewer Momo before Shanks intervened.
He wasn't gonna skewer them

It didn't happen and believing it will happen is just wishes

GB claiming he would something =/= it will actually happens
He claimed stuff and it didn't happen

I can also say Momo could have used more attacks and push GB back since he claimed so
At least we saw Momk succed in defending wano alone with 2 Boro Breaths

GB failed to do what he wanted to do
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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
You di realise that Momo isn't kaido

Last I remember it was a team effort against nerfed BM
Oh yeah Chopper combat experience > Momo
Also Chopper didn't stall BM, he was just getting damaged by just Prometheus heat lol
Momo isn't Kaido, but their DFs are exactly the same. They have same hakiless AP and durability(well, Oni stacking should be better).

Chopper was literally holding Promotheus back to prevent it from burning the Sunny. Brooke completely speed blitzed her and Nami zapped herewith her own lightning. Then Jinbe almost made her drown. Then we have fresh BM not wanting to take a Franky laser.

It was also a team effort against GB, something you disingenuously ignore to make it look like a 1v1 lol
Yamato fighting or no, no make any difference, Greenbull would continue to grow his forest "infinitely" and at one time or another would trap and drain it. Yamato could hold out for a while and land a few coc attacks with his hybrid form, but nothing that would harm him on general levels.
Imagine Yamato can't fight, Others are chilling away

Just to make admiral look good

Oda really saying, GB threat level ~ Katakuri at best
Even Katakuri was a bigger threat in Jinbei eyes
Yamato fought his plants 100%. Everything in the chapter implied it.

- She was the last one caught shown by her scream. If she never fought she wouldve been the first one caught.

- She screamed. Who screams if theyre expecting to be caught ?

- She has scratches on her face. She never had it at the start of the chap. If she just freely let him catch her....she wouldnt have the scratches.

And this dialouge doesnt do her any favours either.

"Lets call Luffy and the Gang and show this guy who's boss".

Instead of

"Let's call Luffy and the gang, and they'll show this guy who's boss".

The TCB's dialouge implies Yamato wants to fight alongside Luffy and the SHs against Greenbull. Which makes sense given Momo told her she cant a second time.

However if she knows she needs Luffy and the SHs help her show this guy who's boss. Then she got her shit rocked to get to that conclusion.