1056 gonna be fire my friends

i think we gonna get bounties + warlords’ fate + first look at SSG/Vegapunk
I think 1056 will make for a great "anything goes" chapter.
Currently there is no acute conflict unresolved in Wano, we saw Shanks leave, and the Green Bull threat is gone too.
So the chapter could literally go in any direction: Start off at Wano and we get Yamato+SH interactions.
Or we get Akainu's reaction to Green Bull's failure.
Or we get the current situation with the revolutionaries and Vivi.
Or we start off 1056 on some random island and we get more info about the state of the world.
Or none of the above and something completely different.
For the first time since we got the last post-Reverie thingy, we have absolutely 0 clue what can come next. Zero. No "looming threat arriving" like Green Bull in 1052. No "a mystery was teased but we need one more chapter for a full exposition" like with Sukiyaki being asked about Pluton by Robin in 1053. No such thing. 1056 really is anyone's game.
(Meaning that if anyone would be posting fake headcanon spoilers now, since the chapter could start off anywhere, now's your chance to be creative ;) )


Welcome to the House of Hope
he's from the southeast cause he wears a strawhat just like the stereotypical mineiro
He dresses like a fisherman from northeastern shores.
The Straw Hat is a pretty common thing around here as well. Have you ever seen a Festa Junina? Everyone uses a SH.

You thought the stereotypical northeastern used the "lampiao" hat or something? :P


He dresses like a fisherman from northeastern shores.
The Straw Hat is a pretty common thing around here as well. Have you ever seen a Festa Junina? Everyone uses a SH.

You thought the stereotypical northeastern used the "lampiao" hat or something? :P
Minas is literally the place where festa juninas started:kuzanope:
I think 1056 will make for a great "anything goes" chapter.
Currently there is no acute conflict unresolved in Wano, we saw Shanks leave, and the Green Bull threat is gone too.
So the chapter could literally go in any direction: Start off at Wano and we get Yamato+SH interactions.
Or we get Akainu's reaction to Green Bull's failure.
Or we get the current situation with the revolutionaries and Vivi.
Or we start off 1056 on some random island and we get more info about the state of the world.
Or none of the above and something completely different.
For the first time since we got the last post-Reverie thingy, we have absolutely 0 clue what can come next. Zero. No "looming threat arriving" like Green Bull in 1052. No "a mystery was teased but we need one more chapter for a full exposition" like with Sukiyaki being asked about Pluton by Robin in 1053. No such thing. 1056 really is anyone's game.
(Meaning that if anyone would be posting fake headcanon spoilers now, since the chapter could start off anywhere, now's your chance to be creative ;) )
Buggy chapter with all major bounty reveals