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About Robin's kidnapping theory:

- Gorosei asked CP0: "At least take us Nico Robin!" then someone at the phone tells them "dont move,i am coming"
- We suppose it was Greenbull,but when he arrived,he didnt interact with CP0 at all
- He also asked for a warship to get to Wano,but now he left,so the warship wont arrive? Or will it arrive anyway?
- So,is the CP0 still in Wano? The could still kidnap Robin? It was actually someone else at the phone?
the phone situation was very weird
Wuggy became a yonko because of his territories and influence, like how luffy became the "5th emperor" after wci even though he only defeated katakuri, having strong subordinates helps.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Yeah he felt like a very different character post TS especially in What The Punk Hazard.

That moment is one of the times his character really grew on me and I knew his chivalry was sincere at the time. I really respected and admired him. He felt like a "better" version of James Bond and Johnny Bravo for me, like a badass martial artist combination of them lol.

Sanji was the ultimate gentleman pre TS at least.
Wanna know what's worse?
He gives her his suit again....IN PUNK HAZARD

See how things make no sense whatsoever?
It's kinda cray cray.
Anyway. This arc never happened. It was just a collective mental breakdown.
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