Remember that all Yonko and YC bounties are bloated because they're a crew. If Kaido adds a new significant member to his army, his bounty goes up, and that person's bounty also gets higher because he's joined Kaido's ranks.

Mihawk doesn't have any of this, so him having 1.5 is pretty good I'd say. And if he joins Buggy/Shanks he will skyrocket

1.5 billion is actually realistic for a lone wolf top-tier because BB, a top-tier, is barely over 2.2 billion with an entire crew.
i look at it trough the lens of Zoro's dream , he said his name will be so renowned that it will reach the heavens , this has a direct implication on his bounty.
would you say King's or Marco's name has reached the heavens with almost a 1.5 B bounty ?
Mihawk will have 10b bounty he is the WSS
Mihawk will have 6b bounty he is the WSS
Mihawk will have 2.5 or 3b bounty he is the WSS
after the spoilers.
Of course bounties are not powerlevels.. I was predicting a bounty of this level anyway.