@bango 1056: Cross Guild

- Carrot is crowned new leader of Zou
- Mihawk's sword is mythical zoan type
- Something bad happens to him (related to black blade)
- Cross Guild is an organisation formed by four individuals (cross), Mihawk, Boa Hancock, Weevil, and Buggy as the leader, which earned him the Emperor position
- Straw Hats leave Wano
I think the Crocodile hint is about the cover story intruders in Cacao island, because they still haven't been revealed and then there's Brulee and Cracker plot with intruders

And no, they aren't Ichiji and Reiju because the outfits and shoes don't match.
We’re getting a film red cover
Chapter 1056: Cross Guild

Very brief spoilers thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- Kidd and his crew follow Shanks
- Luffy and the others read the newspaper: we learn why Buggy became an emperor
- Ex-warlords created a fleet/corporation and Buggy is considered the leader by the WG
- Buggy, Mihawk, Weevil have all > 1 billion bounties
- The next morning: Carrot, Wanda and the SHs are about to leave Wano. Wanda and Carrot have become the new rulers of Mokomo Dukedom (Wanda - day // Carrot - night)
- Yamato starts running to jump on the Sunny because she forgot to directly ask Luffy to join and was not expecting that SHs would leave so early
Break Next Week
Someone made up the source, but it's real apparently lol.

Oda is rushing.
Chapter 1056: Cross Guild

Very brief spoilers thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- Kidd and his crew follow Shanks
- Luffy and the others read the newspaper: we learn why Buggy became an emperor
- Ex-warlords created a fleet/corporation and Buggy is considered the leader by the WG
- Buggy, Mihawk, Weevil have all > 1 billion bounties
- The next morning: Carrot, Wanda and the SHs are about to leave Wano. Wanda and Carrot have become the new rulers of Mokomo Dukedom (Wanda - day // Carrot - night)
- Yamato starts running to jump on the Sunny because she forgot to directly ask Luffy to join and was not expecting that SHs would leave so early
Break Next Week
they are most likely real, but not so precise in certain points