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Oh I would love to! The author is Brandon Sanderson and he created an entire universe. You might compare it to marvel but exceptionally good. The author is an entire thing for himself. He's a beast when it comes to writing, keeps his fans always updated and does a lot of conventions/AMAs (though he obviously doesn't answer everything). I'd recommend to dip into Mistborn. Don't do research, just read the trilogy, the rest will follow! I read mistborn without knowing there's more. The realization that there's more - it was amazing. I'd pay 5k to feel it again today :steef:
i will search it up.maybe buy those books.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
No, that's normal, but can I answer to your question in person massage? I don't wanna talk about what's going on here openly, I'm a bit paranoid, and I have my reasons for it.
Sure. I mean you can just not say anything if that's better for you. Paranoia is completely normal at times like this.
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