Who is the man with the burn mark?

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That one of the most nonsense posts ive read
That's because you lack the understanding of a business. A business goes to shit if there aren't people willing to invest in said business. They are not underlings to your business since you need them to make your organization successful. It's the exact in this situation
Greenbull said he can't lose to mere Yonko commanders @ShishioIsBack Mihawk is in the mud. Below admirals.
Lmaooo imagine coping this hard
Green Bull would lose to Buggy lmao

All green bulls delusion aside
The entire world believes mihawk + fodders = Shanks + Beckman and his entire crew

It wasn't a bluff when mihawk called Shanks one armed trash in front of his entire crew and his crew couldn't do shit.

They knew mihawk will wreck them in front of Shanks and then wreck Shanks himself.
No. Yamato is harassing because she can't take the hint that she is unwelcomed. Caribou asked nicely and got a yes to travel along.
Remember that every SH that saw her telling that she would go with them decided to leave earlier just so she could be left behind.
Or they just didn't care enough and forgot. You decide what's worse.
She agreed with Jinbei about asking Luffy first so.......:luuh:
Oh boyyy
Imagine being such a fucking cockroach lmaoo

Mihawk joining Buggy means Buggy can now compete with luffy and his entire crew
Shanks and his entire crew

Mihawk joining makes a literal clown a yonko

Mihawk can literally grab a random baboon and make him a yonko rather than taking that pathetic yonko title himself

Ah yes Mihawk's grand plan to compete with the Strawhats and Red hairs, the same Mihawk who has already said he doesn't want to fight Shanks. You're literally making up headcanon to justify Mihawk joining under a clown.

The dude probably joined Buggy and the other warlords cause he can't handle the SSG coming after his ass.

The level of mental gymnastics of Mihawktards is truly fascinating.
I don't think Admirals + Crocodile + Daz Bones + groups of fodders would constitute a full fledged Yonko crew presence lmao

Logically, if Mihawk and a bunch of low-mid high tiers joining Buggy made him Yonko? Then that's a huge plus for Mihawk over Admirals and in comparison to other, genuine Yonkos.
Urouge joined Buggy's Yonko crew..


I can't believe Mihawk actually joined Oda really does look at community memes huh
People were trying to clown me in the nakama thread when I said Oda changes the story according to fan sentiment.

But he's already on record saying if fans ever guess what the One Piece is he's going to change it.

Pot Goblin

I'm still not a fan of how out of nowhere this Queen Carrot stuff is (I'll probably grow into it though)
But at the very least it is a final W for her since it'll mean she'll come back later with the rest of the mink tribe
Plus the chance of a cover story of course
She's not going to join the crew like I wanted, but it will be fun to theorize about her impact in the final war
Urouge joined Buggy's Yonko crew..
Did he?

Either way, point remains. Buggy himself is a non-factor.

It is essentially a reasonably sized army of fodders + these low-mid high tier dudes and Mihawk constituting it.

So, in comparison to other general Yonko crews, it is pretty much the same single top tier (Mihawk) alongside other mid and high tiers (Urouge, Croc, etc) strength-wise.
I don't think Admirals + Crocodile + Daz Bones + groups of fodders would constitute a full fledged Yonko crew presence lmao
There a yonko crew as a whole , not just what you mention also admirals also ride in fleets with VA’s, lower ranks to constitute those others.
Logically, if Mihawk and a bunch of low-mid high tiers joining Buggy made him Yonko? Then that's a huge plus for Mihawk over Admirals and in comparison to other, genuine Yonkos.
Nowhere is it said mihawk made him a yonko, he’s just not over admirals , as ryo said they can’t lose to pirate subordinates which mihawk is.
Everything you just said is wishy washy has no proof of putting him above admirals just mihawk fans imagination.
Oda literally said Akainu can become PK in 1 year
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