Who is the man with the burn mark?

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Mihawk stronger than Fujitora doesn't make sense, because Fujitora doesn't fight with a sword, he relies on his devil fruit.

If Kaido strapped a katana to his belt and claimed he'd taken up swordsmanship could he claim to be the WSS? He'd have to fight with the thing to be a swordsman.
You would probably get the title worlds strongest plus whatever yo specialize in.
The bad guys won't win? I didn't see that coming.
The idea of bB obtaining pluton this way is bad writing
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..its an analogy tho, a WSS can still be beaten by weaker swordsman who uses other methods (hence the gun analogy)
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Negged? Thats a bit extreme lol :shocking:
So now I know where the idiot Oda is taking the pluton plot and I don’t like it. “That person” is most likely BB and towards the final battle Oda will make him obtain pluton so that he can be a threat and create a “time-based” threat like the Onigashima and bird cage only for pluton to be embarrassed by the good guys.

I can smell the incompetence of Oda a mile away
BB getting Pluton is massive problem for world, but I guess with Franky knowing about its design, the SHP would be the only one to counter BB, it's either Franky gonna build another Pluton, or Franky will exploits its weakness.
The idea of bB obtaining pluton this way is bad writing
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So now I know where the idiot Oda is taking the pluton plot and I don’t like it. “That person” is most likely BB and towards the final battle Oda will make him obtain pluton so that he can be a threat and create a “time-based” threat like the Onigashima and bird cage only for pluton to be embarrassed by the good guys.

I can smell the incompetence of Oda a mile away
Keep spamming fool.
So now I know where the idiot Oda is taking the pluton plot and I don’t like it. “That person” is most likely BB and towards the final battle Oda will make him obtain pluton so that he can be a threat and create a “time-based” threat like the Onigashima and bird cage only for pluton to be embarrassed by the good guys.

I can smell the incompetence of Oda a mile away
So now I know where the idiot Oda is taking the pluton plot and I don’t like it. “That person” is most likely BB and towards the final battle Oda will make him obtain pluton so that he can be a threat and create a “time-based” threat like the Onigashima and bird cage only for pluton to be embarrassed by the good guys.

I can smell the incompetence of Oda a mile away

what do you think? Isn’t it frustrating?
I think the raid will fail tbh
BB getting Pluton is massive problem for world, but I guess with Franky knowing about its design, the SHP would be the only one to counter BB, it's either Franky gonna build another Pluton, or Franky will exploits its weakness.
I don’t want pluton to be defeated though, because I know it will be badly executed
From Eden on Worst Gen:

Chapter 1056 Cross Guild Cover: Katakuri and Oven show up!!

Page 2 【after the feast—Flower Capital】 scabbards: Raizo!! Hang in there!! Look how thin he is..!!

Shinobu-san!! Please don’t die! What a terrifying sorcery!!

I hate to admit it! But that man was not speaking complete nonsense! Kaido was the deterrent that kept enemies away from our country…

Kin’emon: I’m sorry everyone!! My regret is beyond words! To think something so terrible happened while I was away at Kuri!! I had no idea!!

Neko: that can’t be helped! But at least the damage caused is at minimal thanks to the effort of lord Momonosuke!!

Inu: Is Miss Tsuru doing alright?

Page 3 Kin’emon: well the Okobore town was burned down…and she suffered from a burn on her face…but nonetheless she survived…

OChocho: Oh Otsuru I heard Kin is back isn’t he?

Tsuru: yes…but he already went back to the capital

OChocho: and you are also now a proud citizen of the Capital, return to his side

Tsuru: Yes…I too wish to stay by his side

Kin’emon: and oh my it has been 20 years but her beauty hasn’t been tainted in the slightest!

Inu: Hey! Nobody wants to hear about your love life!

Neko: Goronyanyanya!!

Okiku: heheh I’m glad to hear that! sir Kin

Raizo: ahh..!! I want girl too….

Neko: Raizo! yougara should focus on recovering!

Page 4 Carrot: hellooo?! Master Nekomamushi and Duke Inuarashi! You called me right!

Inu: ahh…you’ve arrived. Carrot You’ll become the next ruler of Mokomo Dukedom

Carrot: ruler?! Yayyy leave it to me… ..Ruler?!! I don’t want to!! There’s no way!!

Inu: let me explain…me and Cat have decided…that we’ll stay in Wano to protect lord Momonosuke, as samurais of Kozuki!!

Neko: Goronyanya Yougara traveled outside our land with Luffy and his friends, one of the few to have done so We believe you have what is essential for the coming era

Page 5 Carrot: but I am sure there’re tons of people stronger than me!!

Shishilian: and you are right about that!! We shall continue to fulfill our duty of protecting the country!!

Wanda: I’ll support you as well! Carrot, have faith in the dukes’ decision. And more than anything…you carry the will of Pedro within your heart…

Carrot: Pedro…

Neko: That’s right!! Zou will now be in the hands of you young folks!!

Momo: grandpa?!

Sukiyaki: indeed…I’m Oden’s father…

Page 6 Sukiyaki: I’m sorry…I’m truly sorry…!! And allow me to thank you…!! Oh you look exactly like Oden!! Momonosuke!

Momo: grandpa! We have lost both of our parents.. It’s great comfort to us knowing we still have someone that shares the same blood!!

Hiyori: and I share the same feelings!! Please do not apologize for this!!

Sukiyaki: So just as I thought…you all have noticed..

Kawamatsu: a person walking around with a Tengu mask when there’s no festival around, why he can’t just be an ordinary swordsmith

Okiku: and this one believes it’s rude to point it out if you don’t feel like revealing…

Sukiyaki: sorry about that

Kin’emon: (he’s lord Sukiyaki?!! I had no idea!!! I feel like my heart is going to explode!! But I’m glad he’s alright!!!)

Page 7 Sukiyaki: I still have something I need to tell you all…but aside from that I’m just an old geezer, I wish to go into retirement after it’s all done without the people learning about my existence… This is now an era that must be shaped by you…

Kin’emon: of course! Just knowing you’re alive is already an “aid”!! (I was shocked!!!”)

Franky: What the?!! Pluton is here in this country?!

Robin: yes, I didn’t get to see it…but there’s no doubt about it!!

Franky: so SOMETHING LIKE THAT really do exist…!!

Luffy: the one that Franky burned the blueprint of, right!!

Robin: yes, “Pluton” is an Ancient weapon that was named after a god, is that something you want?

Luffy: nope I don’t need anything like that!

Robin: I assume so….but Oden wanted to unleash…I wonder why

Page 8 Shinobu: did I hear you say…a mature woman rivals a weapon?!

Franky: who the hell are you!!

Shinobu: it’s me! Shinobu! But I am worn out by a little accident…

Sanji: awwww that’s the best result from exhaustion I’ve ever seen!

Tama: Big bro! Big bro! I’m now a disciple of Shinobu!! I’ll get stronger so let me join you next time we meet!!

Nami: OTama you’re so cute!!

Luffy: If you can use ninjutsu! No problem! Shishishi!!

Page 9 Tama: yayyy!!

Caribou: what is this?!! First it’s Poseidon..and now Pluton is in Wano?! I’ll have to inform THAT PERSON about this as well!!!

【A few days later】 Wano people: Shogun! We are about done with the reconstruction planning for each region, and as for the budget…. Shogun!! Lord Shogun!! Shogun!!

Page 10 Momo: hey!! Zoro! Mind giving me a little lesson… On…swords..? Huh? Luffy? Zoro?! ONami?! Usopp! Sanji! Chopperemon!!

Page 11 Momo: Robin?! Franky?! Bonekichi!! Jinbe?! Yamato?! Where is everyone?! Hiyori!! Do you know where Luffy and the others have gone?!

Hiyori: oh they have left…they have been saying goodbye to everyone since this morning..

Toko: It’ll be lonely without them!! Ahaha!!

Momo: what?! (But..I haven’t heard anything!!)

Kin’emon: lord Momonosuke!!

Momo: K..Kin’emon!! Luffy has..

Kin’emon: I have just learned about it as well!! They have informed Denjiro and everyone!! But why not us?!

Page 12-13 【Udon-Tokage port】 Law: Strawhat-ya, change your schedule! We are no longer in an alliance..we are enemies now!

Luffy: We have already decided we’re gonna leave today!!

Kid: well it sucks that we happened to chose the same day!! Let’s make sure our route is different!!

Log Pose is pointing towards three directions: Northeast, East, and Southeast!! Now choose!

Kid&Luffy: middle(east)!! Law: Northeast!! I’m all set then Besides going Northeast lets you go the farthest

Luffy and Kid: what?!!

Law: picking the middle…what a bunch of kids…

Luffy: uwahhh!! I lost the draw!! Sorry everyone!!

Kid: East!

Usopp: either way it’s going to be dangerous!! The direction doesn’t matter, help out with the cargos already!!

Luffy: Man I’m an EMPEROR now, shouldn’t be losing stuff like this

Kid: you just have to say it huh!!

But the “emperor” that really pisses me off…is this guy!!

Page 14 Kid: The Genius Jester!! Buggy!! Luffy: what is this?!!!

Page 15 Luffy: it’s Crocodile and Hawkeye!! Zoro: what?! Luffy: why is it like they are under Buggy now?!!

Zoro: …? No that’s not possible…I can’t imagine Hawkeye… Law: it would make perfect sense to call him an emperor if he really did manage to make these two obey him

Luffy: but he’s an idiot…something is up I’m sure Kid: looks like this company…Cross Guild has started placing bounties on Marine’s heads!!! The marine is now also being chased eh They’ll also have to watch out for assassination from citizens too..!! The world has gone through some big changes while we are taking our time in this closed land!! I hope you’re all happy with your route! Once we leave Wano!! It’s back to going at each other’s throat!!

Page 16 Kid: what is this Trafalgar?!

Law: a rubbing of the Road Poneglyth You have a right to it as well, and being in an advantage is too boring

Killer: just as I thought, Kaido has one as well!! Kid: like the one we let one of Big Mom’s sweet commander stole

Killer: FaFaFa!! Kid! If we are still intending on joining the fight for One Piece!! We’ll have to be more serious about this!! Kid: you want me to look for the guy with “burn scar”? There’re barely any clues!!

Luffy: burn scar? What are you talking about?

Kid: so you don’t know, we’re at an advantage then hahaha

Luffy: what?! Tell me then!!

Page 17 【Flower Capital】 Momo: Yamato!! Have you left as well?!

Yamato: Momonosuke-kun? I’m here!!!

Kin’emon: where? Oh on the rooftop as usual!!

Yamato: now then!! I’ve decided!! I’m going to where Luffy and his crew are!! I’m going to!! Live like Kozuki Oden!!!
So now I know where the idiot Oda is taking the pluton plot and I don’t like it. “That person” is most likely BB and towards the final battle Oda will make him obtain pluton so that he can be a threat and create a “time-based” threat like the Onigashima and bird cage only for pluton to be embarrassed by the good guys.

I can smell the incompetence of Oda a mile away

what do you think? Isn’t it frustrating?
I dunno Man i think Oda's just exhausted. His ideas regarding timeskip are good, especially the interaction between characters, emotions etc
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So Ben Beckman solos Midhawk??
Ah well...i still think Mihawk is stronger than Beckmann tho...


Talent is something you make bloom.
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene
Plz have a Sanji and Kinemon cool scene

Deleted member 83

From Eden on Worst Gen:

Chapter 1056 Cross Guild Cover: Katakuri and Oven show up!!

Page 2 【after the feast—Flower Capital】 scabbards: Raizo!! Hang in there!! Look how thin he is..!!

Shinobu-san!! Please don’t die! What a terrifying sorcery!!

I hate to admit it! But that man was not speaking complete nonsense! Kaido was the deterrent that kept enemies away from our country…

Kin’emon: I’m sorry everyone!! My regret is beyond words! To think something so terrible happened while I was away at Kuri!! I had no idea!!

Neko: that can’t be helped! But at least the damage caused is at minimal thanks to the effort of lord Momonosuke!!

Inu: Is Miss Tsuru doing alright?

Page 3 Kin’emon: well the Okobore town was burned down…and she suffered from a burn on her face…but nonetheless she survived…

OChocho: Oh Otsuru I heard Kin is back isn’t he?

Tsuru: yes…but he already went back to the capital

OChocho: and you are also now a proud citizen of the Capital, return to his side

Tsuru: Yes…I too wish to stay by his side

Kin’emon: and oh my it has been 20 years but her beauty hasn’t been tainted in the slightest!

Inu: Hey! Nobody wants to hear about your love life!

Neko: Goronyanyanya!!

Okiku: heheh I’m glad to hear that! sir Kin

Raizo: ahh..!! I want girl too….

Neko: Raizo! yougara should focus on recovering!

Page 4 Carrot: hellooo?! Master Nekomamushi and Duke Inuarashi! You called me right!

Inu: ahh…you’ve arrived. Carrot You’ll become the next ruler of Mokomo Dukedom

Carrot: ruler?! Yayyy leave it to me… ..Ruler?!! I don’t want to!! There’s no way!!

Inu: let me explain…me and Cat have decided…that we’ll stay in Wano to protect lord Momonosuke, as samurais of Kozuki!!

Neko: Goronyanya Yougara traveled outside our land with Luffy and his friends, one of the few to have done so We believe you have what is essential for the coming era

Page 5 Carrot: but I am sure there’re tons of people stronger than me!!

Shishilian: and you are right about that!! We shall continue to fulfill our duty of protecting the country!!

Wanda: I’ll support you as well! Carrot, have faith in the dukes’ decision. And more than anything…you carry the will of Pedro within your heart…

Carrot: Pedro…

Neko: That’s right!! Zou will now be in the hands of you young folks!!

Momo: grandpa?!

Sukiyaki: indeed…I’m Oden’s father…

Page 6 Sukiyaki: I’m sorry…I’m truly sorry…!! And allow me to thank you…!! Oh you look exactly like Oden!! Momonosuke!

Momo: grandpa! We have lost both of our parents.. It’s great comfort to us knowing we still have someone that shares the same blood!!

Hiyori: and I share the same feelings!! Please do not apologize for this!!

Sukiyaki: So just as I thought…you all have noticed..

Kawamatsu: a person walking around with a Tengu mask when there’s no festival around, why he can’t just be an ordinary swordsmith

Okiku: and this one believes it’s rude to point it out if you don’t feel like revealing…

Sukiyaki: sorry about that

Kin’emon: (he’s lord Sukiyaki?!! I had no idea!!! I feel like my heart is going to explode!! But I’m glad he’s alright!!!)

Page 7 Sukiyaki: I still have something I need to tell you all…but aside from that I’m just an old geezer, I wish to go into retirement after it’s all done without the people learning about my existence… This is now an era that must be shaped by you…

Kin’emon: of course! Just knowing you’re alive is already an “aid”!! (I was shocked!!!”)

Franky: What the?!! Pluton is here in this country?!

Robin: yes, I didn’t get to see it…but there’s no doubt about it!!

Franky: so SOMETHING LIKE THAT really do exist…!!

Luffy: the one that Franky burned the blueprint of, right!!

Robin: yes, “Pluton” is an Ancient weapon that was named after a god, is that something you want?

Luffy: nope I don’t need anything like that!

Robin: I assume so….but Oden wanted to unleash…I wonder why

Page 8 Shinobu: did I hear you say…a mature woman rivals a weapon?!

Franky: who the hell are you!!

Shinobu: it’s me! Shinobu! But I am worn out by a little accident…

Sanji: awwww that’s the best result from exhaustion I’ve ever seen!

Tama: Big bro! Big bro! I’m now a disciple of Shinobu!! I’ll get stronger so let me join you next time we meet!!

Nami: OTama you’re so cute!!

Luffy: If you can use ninjutsu! No problem! Shishishi!!

Page 9 Tama: yayyy!!

Caribou: what is this?!! First it’s Poseidon..and now Pluton is in Wano?! I’ll have to inform THAT PERSON about this as well!!!

【A few days later】 Wano people: Shogun! We are about done with the reconstruction planning for each region, and as for the budget…. Shogun!! Lord Shogun!! Shogun!!

Page 10 Momo: hey!! Zoro! Mind giving me a little lesson… On…swords..? Huh? Luffy? Zoro?! ONami?! Usopp! Sanji! Chopperemon!!

Page 11 Momo: Robin?! Franky?! Bonekichi!! Jinbe?! Yamato?! Where is everyone?! Hiyori!! Do you know where Luffy and the others have gone?!

Hiyori: oh they have left…they have been saying goodbye to everyone since this morning..

Toko: It’ll be lonely without them!! Ahaha!!

Momo: what?! (But..I haven’t heard anything!!)

Kin’emon: lord Momonosuke!!

Momo: K..Kin’emon!! Luffy has..

Kin’emon: I have just learned about it as well!! They have informed Denjiro and everyone!! But why not us?!

Page 12-13 【Udon-Tokage port】 Law: Strawhat-ya, change your schedule! We are no longer in an alliance..we are enemies now!

Luffy: We have already decided we’re gonna leave today!!

Kid: well it sucks that we happened to chose the same day!! Let’s make sure our route is different!!

Log Pose is pointing towards three directions: Northeast, East, and Southeast!! Now choose!

Kid&Luffy: middle(east)!! Law: Northeast!! I’m all set then Besides going Northeast lets you go the farthest

Luffy and Kid: what?!!

Law: picking the middle…what a bunch of kids…

Luffy: uwahhh!! I lost the draw!! Sorry everyone!!

Kid: East!

Usopp: either way it’s going to be dangerous!! The direction doesn’t matter, help out with the cargos already!!

Luffy: Man I’m an EMPEROR now, shouldn’t be losing stuff like this

Kid: you just have to say it huh!!

But the “emperor” that really pisses me off…is this guy!!

Page 14 Kid: The Genius Jester!! Buggy!! Luffy: what is this?!!!

Page 15 Luffy: it’s Crocodile and Hawkeye!! Zoro: what?! Luffy: why is it like they are under Buggy now?!!

Zoro: …? No that’s not possible…I can’t imagine Hawkeye… Law: it would make perfect sense to call him an emperor if he really did manage to make these two obey him

Luffy: but he’s an idiot…something is up I’m sure Kid: looks like this company…Cross Guild has started placing bounties on Marine’s heads!!! The marine is now also being chased eh They’ll also have to watch out for assassination from citizens too..!! The world has gone through some big changes while we are taking our time in this closed land!! I hope you’re all happy with your route! Once we leave Wano!! It’s back to going at each other’s throat!!

Page 16 Kid: what is this Trafalgar?!

Law: a rubbing of the Road Poneglyth You have a right to it as well, and being in an advantage is too boring

Killer: just as I thought, Kaido has one as well!! Kid: like the one we let one of Big Mom’s sweet commander stole

Killer: FaFaFa!! Kid! If we are still intending on joining the fight for One Piece!! We’ll have to be more serious about this!! Kid: you want me to look for the guy with “burn scar”? There’re barely any clues!!

Luffy: burn scar? What are you talking about?

Kid: so you don’t know, we’re at an advantage then hahaha

Luffy: what?! Tell me then!!

Page 17 【Flower Capital】 Momo: Yamato!! Have you left as well?!

Yamato: Momonosuke-kun? I’m here!!!

Kin’emon: where? Oh on the rooftop as usual!!

Yamato: now then!! I’ve decided!! I’m going to where Luffy and his crew are!! I’m going to!! Live like Kozuki Oden!!!
What is the point of you reposting it here
So now I know where the idiot Oda is taking the pluton plot and I don’t like it. “That person” is most likely BB and towards the final battle Oda will make him obtain pluton so that he can be a threat and create a “time-based” threat like the Onigashima and bird cage only for pluton to be embarrassed by the good guys.

I can smell the incompetence of Oda a mile away

what do you think? Isn’t it frustrating?
I hope the people of Wano use Pluton when they are comfortable with leaving cause if someone takes it from Wano cause Luffy said no it would be really dumb. Especially since taking out Pluton probably does alot of damage to Wano.

Fuk now I'm thinking the tenth titanic captain is Arlong so that he can swim to Pluton which would be dumb too.
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