I appreciate people as such more than Oda cum swallowers like Brago.
Brago has no fucking dignity to talk shit about this manga because it gets him views.
Drizzt is ballin on everyone. Jay would smoke most of the oda cocksucker but it seems like he doesnt need twitter rally on his ass.
Absolutely, I see them shilling hard to get the big views and donations. Brago really turned it up with his BDA Law channel and I've seen people memeing him for a recent OP intro that made Sanji look kinda bad compared to Zoro but he kept insisting the screenshots of his reaction to both of them in it were fake lol. Even though I and others saw it happen live too. His face dropped after he saw Zoro training/flexing but Sanji just cooking and getting clowned by chat or something.
Grandline Review has even mentioned to become so annoying/obnxious that a fair few people on Reddit at least don't like him, even in the main sub lol. Youtube Ohara is in a similar boat I think and also Artur Ohara but I think hes more disliked on Piratefolk naturally or so.
Yeah Jay was getting a lot of clout on Reddit too, hes really had Twitter on his ass before too. I think he admitted recently he has to hold himself back or he just said he can't speak his mind or something, it was clipped and put on Piratefolk recently.
I used to know Jay a lot more directly and he admitted he has to gas it up, to put on a front for the community. Roger also admitted something similar before on here or so some time ago.
I love Drizzt haha, even now he's still consistent, he's still true to himself and same as always was years ago. He took the insults and nicknames and embraced them and became the Drag Down and Palpatine out of it or so. Hes just like a duck with letting water wash off his back or w/e the saying is, like water off a ducks back?
There are times where even I find him too negative but I love his anaylsis/insight, attitude/demeanour, respectful and humble behaviour in general and memes when he does them too. I used to love the memes he did in his anaylsis/review videos back in the day.
I find Drizzt to be the most honest/true to self/form out of all of them. Hes not a grifter and that is definitely obvious ofc.