Gorosei Informer

No, I skipped those. But she looks cool. What's her power?
It was crystal formation IIRC? I think she made snowflakes out of them too? I there there was a village called Hoshi/Star that specialised in that too?

She was associated with Orochimaru too:


I think she was like a mix of Kimimaro and Anko for me?

She was even able to take on the 3 tails and beat it alone!

Her Jutsus were really cool to see in the anime and her storyline was pretty tragic.


One of the Clash of Ninja Revolution games on Wii, the 2nd one specifically, had a former student of Tsunade called Kagura as the villain IIRC and she was a cool villain/character too! She was another puppeteer jutsu type fighter if I remember right?




I will never forgive Oda
Byakugan. But in part 1, before all the stand power sharingan shit
I was telling @Natalija a week ago, it's a damn shame we never got to see like... A strong shinobi with the Byakugan. The best we get is Neji in part 2 and he wasn't that strong. Imagine what someone as talented as Deidara could do with that.