The problem is that, if Zoro is Ryuma reincarnated, he didn't do any of those things Ryuma did

slaying a Dragon in Wano

making the Marines go away from Wano

so it doesn't work at all

at the end of the arc, the one compared to Ryuma was Luffy, not Zoro

so this doesn't work
all this tease for Fairy Condom to be the one compared to Ryuma, fucking Oda and his obsession for Gooffy :gokulaugh:

Gorosei Informer

The problem is that, if Zoro is Ryuma reincarnated, he didn't do any of those things Ryuma did

slaying a Dragon in Wano

making the Marines go away from Wano

so it doesn't work at all

at the end of the arc, the one compared to Ryuma was Luffy, not Zoro

so this doesn't work
Luffy didnt slay the dragons head off either. The Luffy Ryuuma shit is so fucking stupid, but the warning signs were there when Oda let Luffy wield the Nidai but never let Zoro have it and then it disappeared for the rest of the arc too.

Oden gravely wounded Kaido with both of his swords too but Zoro only got one of them via comparison so he was working with a reduced version of what Oden had too ofc, hence we will never know if he could do the same feat, given he didn't wound Kaido to the same extent either.

We obviously were meant to get those moments too but Oda didn't care and wanted us to suffer. The point would be all of those would have happened and Zoro would be Ryuumas reincarnation and or relative too but Oda didn't care to give us that.

I still stand by my own statement that he fucking hates us.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
well i hope not because even ryuma who was considered toptier, with brook's shadow was a weakling compared to the crew post TS. Lets say he put some strong shadow to WB ok, but for Ace it would be just disaster, even franky should be able to handle him
I think Blackbeard already hit up Whole Cake and stole Katakuri and Oven's shadows for them.
Katakuri is strong as hell, around Whitebeard's size, and uses a similar weapon.
Over has a Heat Fruit like Ace.

Ryuma's corpse was mummified, more or less, though.
all this tease for Fairy Condom to be the one compared to Ryuma, fucking Oda and his obsession for Gooffy :gokulaugh:
It was really weird man

i know the fanabase loves to make fun of us Zoro fans

but i think everyone saw the amount of teasing and parallels to Ryuma and so on, that Oda was doing with Zoro

so it's really weird what Oda did with Zoro this arc, it seems like he just dropped everything out of nowhere

or they were just a bunch of baiting the entire time, which is also weird
The problem is that, if Zoro is Ryuma reincarnated, he didn't do any of those things Ryuma did

slaying a Dragon in Wano

making the Marines go away from Wano

so it doesn't work at all

at the end of the arc, the one compared to Ryuma was Luffy, not Zoro

so this doesn't work
Ryuma peaked in Wano though, Zoro still has the chance to make a name for himself on global war scale.

Gorosei Informer

all this tease for Fairy Condom to be the one compared to Ryuma, fucking Oda and his obsession for Gooffy :gokulaugh:
Oda is deliberately trolling. Other creators have admitted to trolling in their series including Bleach, Naruto, Gintama etc. Its definitely the same with someone who LOVES to troll and people who troll like Oda too. A lot of the fanbase needs to wake up and realise this, especially when they fellate him so much and think hes loves them like they think "God" loves them. "Goda loves his children"

They probably think Oda is like this with them, he sees them this way:

They also probably think Judge and Big Mom are great parents too then /s.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
There could be a shock moment of them finding Sphinx Island trashed and the graves desecrated then too. Since Moria went to BB and became his prey now, BB wants to carry on Xebecs will and he seems to have personal hatred towards WB and even Ace (maybe by proxy due to Roger at least and Aces love for WB) I could see him doing this definitely.
If they got to Sphinx Island, find it trashed and hear that Blackbeard is going to Wano, and the Straw Hats go back immediately... I don't even know, but I will lose my mind, I guarantee you that.

Plz Oda. Plz don't fake out leaving Wano.
It was really weird man

i know the fanabase loves to make fun of us Zoro fans

but i think everyone saw the amount of teasing and parallels to Ryuma and so on, that Oda was doing with Zoro

so it's really weird what Oda did with Zoro this arc, it seems like he just dropped everything out of nowhere

or they were just a bunch of baiting the entire time, which is also weird
can't risk overshadowing the MC
so he ends up being compared to BOTH Joy Boy and Ryuma even if it makes no sense.
Ryuma peaked in Wano though, Zoro still has the chance to make a name for himself on global war scale.
That's not what i was talking about, i know Zoro hasn't peaked yet

and he will have more fights and stuff

i'm just talking about the Ryuma parallels and teasing from Oda, right now, where the story stands, it makes no sense for the character
That's not what i was talking about, i know Zoro hasn't peaked yet

and he will have more fights and stuff

i'm just talking about the Ryuma parallels and teasing from Oda, right now, where the story stands, it makes no sense for the character
This is typically because of that type of shit I can buy Yamato NOT hoping aboard the ship. Oda loves wasting his readers time just because