Oh I can tell.

Haven't seen Ukrainian "in need" ever since the war started. Only mofos walking around with new iphones, driving most expensive cars.

The sad reality of this war is that only those who can pay $ are passing the most borders.
It's around 5000$ for a one man. I don't have that money right now, and even if I did i can't leave my father alone. Plus, what am I gonna do with no money in a foreign country? I'm not a female so I can't sell my body, so I stay.
Ive never experienced spoilers for a break week, apparently this is a Jump Break so they get early spoilers? From who? What the fuck is this bum shit, its almost childish sneeding. People are in full Stockholm Syndrome mode. Imposter Syndrome posting. Gangmoney associating. Dialed back bang gang boo-shit.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
It's around 5000$ for a one man. I don't have that money right now, and even if I did i can't leave my father alone. Plus, what am I gonna do with no money in a foreign country? I'm not a female so I can't sell my body, so I stay.
You can thank your former leaders for handling away the nuclear prowess.

If they didn't handle it like a bunch of retarded idiots who believed some paper will protect the country, Russia wouldn't even consider crossing your borders.