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Formerly Seth

Ive never experienced spoilers for a break week, apparently this is a Jump Break so they get early spoilers? From who? What the fuck is this bum shit, its almost childish sneeding. People are in full Stockholm Syndrome mode. Imposter Syndrome posting. Gangmoney associating. Dialed back bang gang boo-shit.
Let's just say leakers, especially main one, love to be adored by fans and watching them acting like apes begging for spoilers for manga.

+ staff loves to bark to the rhythm of what leakers say

Formerly Seth

I believe russians installed a pro russian gov that did away with their weapons.I might be mistaken...
Huge chunk of the country is pro Russia, openly or not it's irrelevant, didn't you wonder why you don't hear from some parts of Ukraine?

Uh well, because there are not attacked.
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